November 2009
Visit the New Bell website on www.thebellinodell.co.uk/
Christmas Sale
Thursday 19th November
at Village Farmhouse
94 High Street
Wide selection of unusual Christmas gifts including
Scandinavian decorative accessories, mugs and cushions,
Miglio jewellery and Phoenix Trading cards and paper
Money raised from donations for coffee and biscuits, plus contributions from stallholders in aid of : Independent Age, a charity supporting older people at home.
Birthdays in November
Happy birthday to:
Georgina Ardley on the 29th
And to everyone with a birthday in November!
..and a very special belated ‘Happy Birthday’ wish to Sarah Jane Holden-Postles, who was 6 on 19th September! We are sorry we missed your actual birthday Sarah Jane, but hope you had a wonderful day! (Please be sure to tell the editor of upcoming birthdays via email to mag1 at odellbeds.net before the 12th of the month before)
Round and About
Heritage Orchard
Some of
you may remember reading in last month's magazine about a community orchard and
wondered what it was all about. On one of my customary rambles in the area I
had noticed that this odd piece of land at the back of Horsefair Lane had been
cleared and I started to ask questions and all my questions seemed to lead me to
Richard Dowsett (Head Ranger of the Country Park) and so, fighting my way
through a Viking invasion, I tracked him down to his office.
To say that Richard is enthused by this project is to put it mildly, he believes in the scheme with a passion. The parcel of land in question is approximately. 2/3rds of an acre or (as it is planned to be a heritage orchard) Richard insists it should be termed as 3 roods. The piece of land has, apparently, belonged to the park since the very beginning but, as it does not
actually adjoin the park, no-one has known quite what to do with it. It has, therefore, been left untouched.
About five years ago the idea of developing an orchard was put forward by a "friend" of the park. The idea proved popular and plans for the scheme began to slowly evolve from this point. When it was found that a grant was available to develop such an orchard with the purchase of "heritage" trees it became necessary to earmark an appropriate piece of land. This is when the isolated pocket of land on the wrong side of Brian's field came into its own. Of the park but not a part of it and, therefore, not detracting from the park as it now stands.
Work to clear the area began about a month ago and plans to purchase the new trees are well in hand. These trees will be half standard so that they do not grow to their full potential and will arrive as saplings. Most of these fruit trees will be apples but will include some pear and plum varieties. It is planned for these trees to be "heritage" varieties, or fruits that have been traditionally grown in Bedfordshire. The apples will include a number of Laxton varieties such as Old Laxton, Laxton Epicure and Laxton Exquisite. Also to be included are Beauty of Bedford, Bedford Foundling and Desse de Buff. The pears will include Beurre Bedford, Laxton Satisfaction and Laxton Superb. The plums will be Early Laxton, Blue Tit and Olympia.
In addition to this Richard hopes to include some "interesting fruit going out of fashion". This category includes quince, sweet chestnut, walnut and greengage. It is also hoped to include the medlar - a fruit to be eaten at a time of "incipient decay".
Like all best laid plans, they are inclined to go astray. They have found a cuckoo in the nest, an intruder in the camp. When clearing away the scrub they came upon a young elm sapling .... totally in the wrong place, of course. However, it has been decided that, due to the devastation of the elm tree population in this country at the time of Dutch elm disease, this young sapling will be left to grow and flourish if only for its novelty value.
Richard has asked me to say that the land was already in the possession of the park and that the purchase of the fruit trees will be covered by a grant. All work will be carried out by the Friends of the Country Park and Community Services and, therefore, no charge will fall upon the taxpayer.
Richard is hoping that the local community will take an interest in this new venture, possibly donating a tree to mark a marriage or anniversary etc. It is early days yet and it will be a number of years before anybody will see the fruits of their labour. Barbara Corley
Wode-Hill Jazz Band will be playing in The Bell www.thebellinodell.co.uk/ on Wednesday 4th November, from 7.30pm. Come and enjoy an evening of foot-tapping old favourites.
5th November - Fireworks!
It’s that time of year again when ooo’s and ahh’s are heard as families once again spend time enjoying fantastic displays. I remember well the great times we had with our family round a bonfire, soaking up the excitement as yet another rocket was launched.
A plea now though – please give consideration for the thatched properties in our village. Just a small amount of care to ensure fireworks are launched away from these could avoid a catastrophe.
Last year one owner found 16 ‘dead’ rockets in their driveway and garden – scary and a bit too close for comfort.
So enjoy, either on the 5th or the lead-up to this memorable date, but please, please don’t be the cause of much heartache and damage to property.
Madeline Jeeves/Roma Garon on behalf of Odell Thatched Properties
There was a good turn out of mugs with three or four of us bringing two. The winner of the competition was Margaret who had brought along two ‘loving mugs’. The oldest one had been given to Margaret and her husband by her sister in law and the second given to them by her sister in law’s husband after her death; although much more modern it had an almost matching design. Second was Stasia who again brought along two; one had a very elegant design, but the other was her favourite just because she loved the way it felt in her hands, as, being almost bowl shaped it was “cuppable”. Third place was shared by about five people.
Carol then sat us down, with five on each side of the table. First she showed us a very clever design for making a cup out of two layers of paper, and, with the inside layer being greaseproof, it was watertight! We all thought that the little water in the plastic glass in front of each of us was to pour into our homemade cups to try them out but no, with five on each side of the table we became two teams. The first person on each side raised their glasses in a toast, downed the water and balanced the glass on the side of the table, the aim being to flip the glass until it settled upside down on the table in front of them. As soon as this was achieved the next person along was able to start drinking before flipping and so on until the last cup on one side settled upside down to give a winning side. Great fun! And best of all, at fifty something I learnt my first “drinking game”! As usual with our own evenings everyone enjoyed themselves.
Mandy Sharpe
November Meeting
We will be in the Village Hall on Tuesday November 10th at 7.30p.m. It is a members’ meeting and we will be making a Christmas Cracker each. If you want to put anything special in remember to make it small: no more than 2 inches diameter and 4 inches long.
November’s competition is ‘Most attractive cracker’.
Audrey Dempsey and Mandy Sharpe
Rachel Halton 720572
Sharnbrook Wildlife Trust
On Friday 20th November Sharnbrook Wildlife Trust presents:
“Dukes and Blues – A butterfly’s eye view of chalk grassland”, an illustrated talk by Ed Turner.
8pm Methodist Church, Park Lane.
Admission £2 (including tea/coffee). Members and non-members
Harrold-Odell Country Park
Autumn colours in Odell Country Park
What’s happening…
Health Walks: Health Walks take place every second Thursday around the big lake led by Ed Burnett, lasting just over half an hour. Walking regularly can reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes and depression.
Health walks on: November 12th, 26th, December 10th, 24th.
You can book beforehand or simply meet at 10.30am on the day at the café. For more details call 01234 720016. These walks are free.
Friends of Harrold-Odell Country Park Conservation Tasks
Come and join in with the practical work to enhance the Park for wildlife and visitors on the following date: November 30th, from 10.00am – 3.00pm:
Wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Drinks provided. Come for an hour or two or stay as long as you like.
Email: hocp@bedscc.gov.uk Website: www.hocp.net
Tel: 01234 720016
Bedford Messiah Choir presents
Handel’s Messiah
On Saturday November 28th 2008 at 7:30 pm
in Bunyan Meeting, Mill Street, Bedford.
Conductor Janet Welsh
Organ Richard Heyes
Trumpet Nigel Doggett
and Soloists from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama
Adults £8.50, Concessions £7.00
Tickets available from:
Barbara Fowler, 01234 720481
Ann Hudson, 01234 720587
Proceeds in aid of Alzheimer’s Society
Registered charity Number 296645
and below, the team that made it all happen: Nicki, Katherine, Ellie and Quizmaster Rob
Saturday 14th November: American Theme Night (featuring Melvis)
Time: 7.30pm for 8pm.
Tickets: £8, to include hot dog and accompaniments, from Nicki, Tel. 01234 720893.
The Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook
Mack and Mabel: Friday 20th – Saturday 28th November 7.45 pm
Also: Matinee Saturday 28tth November
Out of the Silent Movie ‘Golden Era’ and the heady heights of 1920s Hollywood, the heart-wrenching love story of two of its greatest legends: Film Director Mack Sennett and Mabel Normand.
A ‘not-to-be-missed’ musical and delight!<>
Music & Lyrics by Jerry Herman; Book by Michael Stewart, the team that brought you ‘Hello Dolly’.
Tickets: £10 – 12 available now!
Sharnbrook Post Office (in person) or Bedford Central Box Office 269519*
10% Discount on parties of 10 or more (excluding Charity Performances)
Allocated parking, Lift; 2 wheelchair spaces (please book through Central Box Office*), easier access seating Rows A – C; Hearing Loop effective Rows A - E
Tyler Clarke Tenor Royal College of Music
Jamie Tyler ‘Eugene’ in the West End Musical ‘Grease’
Jean-Paul Pruna Accompanist Guildhall School of Music
At Sharnbrook Mill Theatre Sunday 6th December at 6.30pm
4th 10.30am Meeting Point at Christine’s, The Rectory.
4th 7.30pm Wodehill Jazz Band play at The Bell.
8th 10.30am Remembrance Day Service at All Saints’ Church.
10th 7.30pm W.I. Village Hall.
12th 10.30am Health Walk, H.O.C.P.
14th 9.45am Amblers meet at The Bell.
14th 7.30pm American Theme Night, Village Hall.
18th 10.30am Meeting point at Catherine’s, Manor Cottage, Harrold.
19th 10.00am Workgifts U.K. Christmas Sale, Village Farmhouse, Odell.
20th 8.00pm Sharnbrook Wildlife Trust presentation at Methodist Church, Park Lane, Sharnbrook.
21st 11.00am Christmas Bazaar, St. Mary’s Church, Carlton.
26th 10.30am Health Walk, H.O.C.P.
28th 7.30pm Handel’s Messiah at Bunyan Meeting, Mill Street, Bedford.
30th 10.00am H.O.C.P. Conservation Tasks.
2nd 10.30am Meeting Point at Eileen Shakespeare’s, 24 Church Hall Road, Rushden.
10th 10.30am Health Walk, H.O.C.P.
11th 10.30am Christian Family Care Christmas Hamper Coffee Morning, Hobbs Green Farm.
12th 12noon Crib Festival, St. Mary’s, Carlton.
13th 1.00pm “ “ “
16th 12.30pm Senior Citizens’ Christmas Lunch, Village Hall.
24th 10.30am Health Walk H.O.C.P.
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the joint December 2009/January 2010 magazine to Tricia Hudson (mag1 at odellbeds.net) or Catherine Corkery by November 12th 2009 at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.
PS Photos welcome!
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