September 2007
Round and About
Beware the Wily Wellie
In March of this year I submitted an article about the Wellington boot - as an item of fashion! With the continuation of this dismally wet summer I find myself strangely drawn to return to the same subject, but this time as an item for alarm...
They lurk in dark places, like cupboards or under the stairs, they even linger on the porch, just beyond the door, to catch you unawares. Oh! Be afraid - be very afraid, of the Wellington boot.
You may think that these boots are your friends in inclement weather. They may look harmless enough standing there in all their innocence but according to a recent official survey, Wellingtons, in all their various shapes and sizes, are one of the major causes of accidents in and around the home.
People living in rural areas seem to have a strange fondness for theirwellies but this mundane item of footwear has been involved in an
astonishing 7,093 visits to Casualty in a single year - to say nothing of all the incidents that go unreported and from which we suffer in silence.... at home.Most of the accidents, it seems, involves the wearer skidding andresulting in a wrenched back caused when trying to regain balance, or even worse, in a fall. Those incidents that happen indoors usually involve a wet floor, although laminate boards are almost as bad. Just as treacherous, however, is stepping outside. That area just beyond the door has brought about the downfall of many a wellie wearer, both in the wet - or even worse- icy conditions. Just one unwary step can result in your feet shooting out from beneath you - usually bringing about nothing more serious than a loss of dignity....but such a fall can lead to serious injury.
Another high risk area, according to the Report, is that moment of either pulling on - or trying to remove - the reluctant item of footwear. This is the moment when your wellie gives you wellie. This is the time when your back is at most risk to either a strained or wrenched muscle.
Who has not suffered from a shooting, agonising pain in the back when that wretched boot just won’t come off? How many of us have appealed to another family member to lend a hand to remove the offending item? Nine times out of ten this probably results in nothing more serious than dirty hands, but the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents reports of a steady trickle of victims to the sudden capitulation of the stuck boot. The willing family member bends down and grasps the offending boot, and heaves mightily....only to find the boot suddenly gives way, resulting in the victim hurtling backwards and slamming into some unyielding object.
The moral of my tale is, when preparing to don your wellies, give pause - and consider - the perfidy of the Wellington boot!
Barbara Corley
Odell Luncheon Club
Senior Citizens Harvest Lunch
The annual senior citizens’ harvest lunch will take place in Odell Village Hall on Wednesday 3rd October 12.30 for 1.00pm
All senior citizens are invited Please let Jill Cheadle (720261) know by 23rd September if you would like to come
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Barbara Corley who was 70 on 15th August .
Barbara has written for the Odell magazine for many years—never repeating an article—but this is the first time she has featured in the magazine in her own right! Barbara and the ladies from the WI celebrated with a lunch in The Bell.
Birthday wishes also go to Kathy and Audrey in the WI who have birthdays later this month.
We have been out and about since our last meeting in May. In June we gathered at Yelnow Farm for a walk round the property, a chance for some of us to see their project for the first time and for others to see the changes that have happened since our visit a few years ago. It was a lovely evening and after we had had a tour we gathered for a bring and share picnic. Thank you to Jim and Margaret for making us so welcome.
In August we met for our annual BBQ this year at the house of Doreen Wheeler. It was a warm night if a trifle breezy but at least it didn’t rain. We took the opportunity to raise a toast to long time member Barbara Corley who was to celebrate her 70th birthday the following day. She was presented with a rose for her garden.
Next Meeting - This will be held on Tuesday September 11th at 7.30 in the Village Hall. Our speaker will be Anne Jackson and her topic ‘Boxes for Belarus’.
A decorated shoe box. (If anyone is unable to obtain a shoe box Jane Eshelby will be pleased to supply you with one, give her a ring on 01933 410959).
Hostesses - Stasia Wherrett and Kathy Dunn
Rachel Halton 720572
The Second Harrold Craft and Food Fayre
Saturday 6 October 2007 Harrold Centre
10am to 3pm
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to buy
locally-produced food items, crafts, gifts
and plants – all at very competitive prices.
Put the date in your diary
Come and do some early Christmas shopping!
Free Entrance Refreshments
Odell Remembered
Many Odell inhabitants may remember Lorna Wilson, former Parish Clerk. Lorna has been in touch recently as she still takes a keen interest in the life of Odell Village. Lorna has kindly sent this poem, which sums up so well the character and all that is special about Odell.
Thoughts of Odell
History ancient, History new,
Odell stands by the River Ouse.
Castle and Church are guardians fine,
Thatch, tile and slate still proven by time.
Bedfordshire lace still being made here,
Leather and farming and fishing by weir,
Rich in tradition and blest with much more -
It’s worth any visit to learn all this lore.
Lorna Wilson (ex Parish Clerk)
Thank You
Richard and Madeline Jeeves would like to thank everyone who offered to help when we came close to being flooded. Once again we were so fortunate, all your concerns were much appreciated.
French and German Classes in Odell
Have you ever wished that you could speak a foreign language or that you had kept up your language skills?
I have taught French and German for 10 years at a local secondary school and have worked as an Adult Education Tutor for Modern Languages evening classes.
From September I will be offering daytime or early evening classes of no more than 4-6 people at Beginners, Intermediate or Advanced levels. You will be learning in small, friendly groups that give you the confidence to make good progress at a pace that suits you. Lessons will be tailored to the needs of the individual groups but we will concentrate initially on the language required for holidays in French/German speaking countries.
For more information please telephone Janet Hall (01234 720682)
Pub News: The Bell
he sun shone on Friday 24th August for the Wode Hill Jazz Band who played into the evening. Impromptu vocalist Mike added colour with hisrendition of Bill Bailey won’t you please come home.
Don’t miss
The Bonas Bros, a popular local duo, performing at The Bell on Friday 7th September. Weather permitting they will be playing in the garden (surely we must have some better weather late summer!) from 7pm. If it is raining they will still perform, but inside.Work is due to start next week on a smoking shelter for our patio.
Planning permission was originally refused, however we are pleased to advise that some changes have been made to the plans and they have now been approved. We would like to say a big thank you to all of you who continue to support The Bell. We have seen a huge increase in trade in the 2 years we have been here and are pleased to see the pub go from strength to strength. However, success has its drawbacks, and, especially at the weekends, we often have to turn people away if we run out of tables. Therefore, we would like to remind you all that tables can be reserved by calling us on 01234 720254.
Oakley Arms, Harrold -
Under new management
Welcome to Sally,
Jamie and Liam Bishop who have taken over The Oakley Arms in Harrold.
Sally and Jamie will be offering traditional, home cooking; families are welcome.
The Swan at Radwell has been taken over by Brendan and Robyn (above) from the Cock at Pavenham (note – they are not giving up the Cock which already enjoys an enthusiastic clientele). They intend to revive the good reputation that this 300 year old picturesque pub is renowned for with good food and quality beer. Call 01234 781351 for bookings.
Searching for O’Dell or Wahull Families
Recently I received this email from a reader who lives in the States. Is there anyone who can help with this enquiry? If you can, we would be pleased to hear from you at the magazine email address or in writing to Catherine Corkery or Tricia Hudson.
My name is John O'Dell. Parts of my family spell our surname as O'Dell and some as Odell; no one really knows why. Either way we can trace our family name back to Wahull. This is the reason I am now writing to you. I was wondering a few things. First are there any Wahulls or Odells living in Odell? … If you do know of any Odells could you please pass along my email address to them. Who knows, maybe I can find a very distant cousin and learn more about the family history. I live in the USA in the state of Connecticut….Thank you for your time & help. Sincerely, John O'Dell
Can you really believe that each tree that enhances
Our world with its beauty and bountiful branches
Is merely good fortune from earth’s changing state
With the size of its girth and its height gauged by fate?
What about things like acorns with horny outsides?
And sycamore keys? Many others besides.
How on earth can the secrets of life be installed
With no case of mistake inside any seed walled?
Why does a tree grow always true to its kind
Yet always so different, the same you’ll not find?
Though an oak may grow ever so different by chance
You can tell its an oak straight away at a glance
Whether stunted or giant or twisted or bent
Is directly connected with environment
But what is the great over-riding control
That prevents great distortion in each silent bole?
How is it we have many wondrous selections
Of trees with their timbers of separate perfections?
Why is there a timber for each human need?
Do you still mean to tell me they chanced from a weed?
Can you really believe such in spite of our wood
When its long standing evidence really should
Leave you marvelling in awe of an Almighty Hand
In whose mind such a thing as a tree has been planned
Roger Jackson
VillagerThe Villager mini-bus now operates these services. Please note the different time for the Olney run and the NEW service to Sainsbury’s in Clapham.
From Odell
effective from 1st September 2007
Milton Keynes
(Shopping Centre and Market) 3rd TuesdayOdell Bell Dep: 9.21 Milton Keynes Dep:12.30
Milton Keynes Arr: 9.56 Odell Bell Arr: 13.05
(Town Centre and Market) 1st and 2nd WednesdaysOdell Bell Dep: 9.15 Northampton Dep:12.30
Northampton Arr: 10.00 Odell Bell Arr:13.17
(Queensgate Bus Station) 2nd FridayOdell Bell Dep: 9.36 Peterborough Dep:14.00
Peterborough Arr: 10.45 Odell Bell Arr: 15.09
Olney Market
(Every Thursday).Odell Bell Dep: 9.20 Olney Dep:11.20
Olney Arr: 9.38 Odell Bell Arr: 11.38
Sainsburys Clapham
NEW 2nd and 4th WednesdaysOdell Bell Dep: 14.55 Sainsburys Dep:16.50
Sainsbury’s Arr: 15.27 Odell Bell Arr: 17.22
Timetables available: Telephone 01234 781920
You are advised to book for Milton Keynes, Northampton and
Peterborough by telephoning the bus information line on 01234 228337
Bedford Borough Council Permits accepted.
New volunteer drivers always welcome.
Village Hall News
Coming event:
Harvest Supper and Barn Dance
with caller
TICKETS £2 adults
£1 children / concessions,
available from Nicki Freeman on 720893
Nicki will be co-ordinating a list of food people are bringing, so please can you discuss this with her when you buy your tickets.
2006/2007 Annual Report of the Odell Village Hall Committee
As the management committee of the village hall we have been tasked with overseeing the running of the Odell Village Hall on behalf of the village. We are required to comply with local and national legislation and regulations in the course of operating, for example, as a Charity, accountable to the Charity Commission, and for our Premises Licence accountable to the local Borough Council. The hall is purely dedicated to communal activities of a social nature and open to all regardless of race, religion, disability etc.
A grand statement of purpose but we are still without adequate access and facilities for disabled people. Previous Annual Reports have reported on our various endeavours in seeking these improved facilities and the many difficulties we have endured along the way. However, light is at the end of the tunnel although the council have a line to the light switch! The parish council have been able to bid for funds which are not available to the hall committee and have purchased the hall and the adjacent land upon which the new access point will be created. This is good news for the village and we have been assured that the hall will remain for the benefit of our community. The side effect of this has been that we have had to withdraw our own funding applications and restart them in order to apply for the building works only. One would think this is a fairly simple exercise, but the bureaucracy, different interests, planning changes/re-applications, conflicting government and council strategies and time-scales do not always dovetail with the fact that we are a small organisation “dedicated to communal activities of a social nature and open to all regardless of race, religion, disability” .
We will get there in spite of it because of the dedication, commitment and energy of many people serving as the hall management committee.
The past year has been another good one for the hall in general and we have again received many positive comments about the events.
The hall continues to be the chosen venue for local meetings and other group activities. Our core users continue with the hall as a venue for their functions, all of which provide hire fees, and these help offset the running costs.
“6:45'ers” have had their first year in the hall and it has been a pleasure having them here. We wish them continued success and hope they enjoy many more years in the village hall. Our thanks also go to the Parish Council, WI, The Line Dancers and Patchwork. The yoga classes are taking a breather and we may see them again in the future.
We have had some really enjoyable functions, Barn Dance, the quiz is getting a growing number of teams. Time of Our Lives theatre company once again filled the hall with people as well as song and laughter. Our splendid little hall was the venue for a world premiere, when John Zaradin performed his “Azrac – suite for two guitars” to another sell out audience.
An annual report provides a forum through which we can record our thanks to all supporters of the hall.
· Les Knowles and his band of helpers again organised the excellent Burns Night supper with the proceeds donated to local Alzheimers Support
· Everyone who organises the Luncheon Club.
· Doreen Wheeler, without whom no booking or hire fee would be secured
· Derek Gadsby for ensuring the hall is cleaned ready for users
· Paul Johns and Tim Freeman for their maintenance expertise
· Everyone else who attend functions and events
An AGM is also a time when new blood is drafted onto the committee and when key folk leave. After last years AGM we welcomed Rosemary Heatley into our midst. It is with regret that at this AGM, we will be saying goodbye to Harry Smith (who was going to stand down last year but didn't quite make it!). Les Knowles is also standing down from the committee but will not disappear entirely as he will ensure the bar is stocked when a licence is called for!Do please offer yourself to be part of our committee, we welcome ideas, help with events, skills such as admin and finance and offer a sociable group of folk simply wanting to keep the hall alive and in use for the future. We would particularly welcome representatives of core user groups. If you are interested do feel free to speak to one of the committee.
The current Village Hall Committee up to the AGM is:
Chairman Rob Lee
Vice Chairman Graham Hill
Treasurer Nicky Freeman
Secretary Karen Fulford
Members Sue Robinson, Harry Smith, Les Knowles, Jon Ardley,
Caroline Shearer, Rosemary Heatley
Rob Lee (720730) on behalf of the Village Hall Committee.
Harrold-Odell Country Park
Carlton Road, Harrold, Bedford MK43 7DS
See October magazine for details of
‘The Big Draw’ at HOCP.
Friends of Harrold-Odell Country Park Conservation tasks 2007
Come and join in with practical work to enhance the park for wildlife and visitors on the following dates:
Monday 24 September and Monday 29 October
All tasks start at 10am and finish mid afternoon, but you only need stay as long as you want.
Tel: 01234 720016
Email: hocp@bedscc.gov.uk
The Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook
Reg. Charity No 242164
Suddenly at Home by Francis Durbridge – Master of the unexpected
Tuesday 25t h - Saturday 29t h September
Sexy, passionate ….full of twist and turns … the classic thriller!
Not to be missed! Not suitable for children
Tickets available from Monday 20th August
from Sharnbrook Post Office (in person) or
Bedford Central Box Office, 269519 (*credit/ debit cards accepted).
Parties: 10% Discount for 10 or more (excluding Charity Gala or Revue Performances).
Disabled Access: Lift, 2 Wheelchair spaces, easy access seating (3 steps).
Don’t forget! Advance Booking for our high-spirited, family musical extravaganza:
Thoroughly Modern Millie
16th - 24th November, 7.45 pm nightly - and Matinée 24th November
will be available only at The Mill Theatre during Suddenly at Home
Why not make up a party? – 10% Discount for 10 or more!
5th 10.30am Meeting Point at Sarah’s, 9 Horsefair Lane.
7th 7pm Bonas Bros playing at The Bell.
11th 7.30pm Alpha Course, Rectory.
11th 7.30pm W.I. Village Hall.
18th 7.30pm Alpha Course, Rectory.
19th 10.30am Meeting Point; at Catherine’s, 40 High St., Harrold..
22nd 9.45am All Saints’ Amblers meet at The Bell.
24th 10am Conservation tasks, HOCP.
25th 7.30pm Alpha Course, Rectory.
29th 10am Church decorating for harvest.
29th 7.30pm Harvest Supper and Barn Dance, Village Hall.
30th 10am Harvest “all age” service, All Saints’.
2nd 10.30am Coffee and Cakes for St John’s Hospice, Felmersham.
3rd 10.30am Meeting Point at Eileen’s, Church Hall Road, Rushden
3rd 12.30 Senior Citizens’ Harvest Lunch, Village Hall.
6th 10am Harrold Craft and Food Fayre.
Great local pubs