April 2004
A Date for your Diary
Odell Village Fete 2004
The date for this year’s village fete is Saturday 12th June. It will be held in the field in Horsefair Lane as in previous years. Help is desperately needed both on the committee and on the day. Please ring Jill Cheadle (720261) if you are interested.
Happy birthday to:
Tania Fulford who will be 8 on April 5th and
Alex Swift who will be 12 on April 11th.
Make an Easter Nest
You will need:
2 tablespoons syrup
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons margarine
2 tablespoons cocoa
Shredded wheat
What to do:
1. Melt the sugar, syrup and margarine over low heat.
2. Stir in the cocoa.
3. Crush shredded wheat into the mixture until you have a gooey, wheaty mess.
4. Scoop into cake cases and press into nest shapes.
5. Leave in a cool place to set then add some sugar or chocolate eggs.
Round and About
The Orlebars of Hinwick House.
Glancing through Bedfordshire on Sunday I came across a notice to the effect that once again Hinwick House has come upon the market to be sold. It was ten years ago in 1994, that the Orlebars (a family of Norman descent) first placed their family home on the market and although it sold, the new owners had never moved into the property. On this basis you might argue that this 300 year old house, situated near to Podington, has remained in the occupation of only one family, the Orlebars.
The house was built by Richard Orlebar on his marriage to Diana Astry, and it was her inheritance that paid for the building work to take place. The Orlebars decided to build their new house along the same lines and style as Buckingham House (later to be adapted to become Buckingham Palace) and apart from the addition of a new wing in Victorian times, has remained largely unaltered.
The earliest mention of the family, whose motto is "Prayer and Labour", goes back to 1130 when one Alured D'Orlingberga was fined for stealing the King's deer. The family moved into the area of Podington during the early 16th century but it was Diana's dowry that was to provide the funds for " the big house" which was to provide the future Orlebars with their family home.
The aforementioned Richard Orlebar made his name in the legal profession and was admitted into the Middle Temple in 1691, although strangely there is no evidence of his taking a legal degree during his time at Oxford.
His marriage to a notable heiress speaks of good family connections and the union appears to have been a happy one as Diana wrote to her sister in 1710 saying "I do find wedlock to be a very happy state and I do like it better and better every day, only do want one such little babe as you have". Sadly, this was not to be. Her only child died in infancy and the estate passed to a cousin.
On one side of the house there is a stone carving of the Goddess Diana (the Goddess of Hunting) riding in a chariot drawn by deer and accompanied by hounds. This was erected as a tribute to Diana Orlebar as both she and her husband were passionate about hunting.
Over the following generations the Orlebars combined land-owning with law, military service and the Church and during this period the estate grew to 2,000 acres. The old house has seen the generations come and go, heroes and eccentrics alike. One of the family scions, Augustus, went to school at Rugby where his time spent at this school was said to have been the inspiration for 'Tom Browns Schooldays'. Another was a renowned pilot who won the Schneider Trophy, an early sea-plane race, for Britain in 1931and yet another was a British Ambassador.
This old house has echoed to the sound of laughter as, in happier times, it has hosted grand house parties, balls and tennis parties. It has also welcomed the local hunt and the village fete to meet in the grounds.
Let us hope the happy days return and once again Hinwick House becomes a family home.
Barbara CorleyW.I.News
It was our pleasure this month to welcome Mike Wynne the paramedic based at Harrold Surgery. He gave us an interesting and informative insight into his work. The service responded to 48,000 calls in January alone many of which were emergencies. They aim to be at the scene of the emergency in 8 mins. in the urban areas but he admitted that unfortunately this response time was not always possible in the rural areas. They had a 76% success rate in meeting this target in January. The most common emergencies are to do with diabetes, various abuses and fits.
However at least half of their time is spent in supporting doctors’ surgeries and in planned pickup of patients either into hospital or to their homes.
April meeting
This will be in the Village Hall on Tuesday April 13th at 7.30 p.m. Nicholas Warliker of Podington Nursery will be coming to talk to us on the topic of ‘Making things grow’. Please contact me or just turn up if you are interested in joining us - you will be very welcome.
Hostesses and Competition
Hostesses this month are Jeni Cuddeford & Margaret Jones. Our Competition is ‘A home grown plant’.
Rachel Halton 720572
Odell Parish Council
Annual Meeting 8th March 2004
The Chairman gave her report.
1. The Parish Councillors are: Mrs Halton (Chairman), B. Cheadle (Vice-Chairman), J Gemmel, P Crotty, J Harrison, Mrs Sharpe, Mrs Swift, Beds. Borough Councillor Mr Bridgman, Beds. County Councillor Mrs Gershon, Clerk Mrs Knight.
2. There were no members of the public present.
3. Mr Crotty continues as liason with Beds. County Council Highways. Resurfacing Horsefair Lane has again been deferred, to April 2004. Police speed checks continue.
4. We continue to ask Beds. County Council to repair the lights. There’s nearly always one broken.
5. The allotments have been re-let to the same tenant. Water is now laid on.
6. We asked households if they wanted gas. Out of 48 responses 28 said yes. We have informed the gas suppliers and await news.
7. Mrs Swift is now the Parish Youth Leader. This group contributed an exhibit in the Flower Festival in the Church in August. She has secured a grant for a day out at AWA Reservoir, Grafham, on 10th July.
8. Mrs Swift also arranged the lighting of the Christmas tree on the Green which had been given by Lady Luke.
9. Councillors Halton and Cheadle attended the Harrold Division in North Bedfordshire. They obtained grants for children’s activities and the Lunch Club.
10. Councillor Halton attended meetings of the Country Park and supported the application for a Heritage Lottery Grant to safeguard the future of the Park.
11. The Parish Council continues to support the Village Hall Committee in providing disabled access to the Village Hall. It is hoped also to assist in improving the play area.
12. We have been supporting the feasibility study for the replacement of Odell Bridge. It is hoped that this will go forward in 2004/5.
13. Fireworks and related parties caused some distress in November 2003. Councillor Sharpe will be circulating a proposal to all households in time for 5th November 2004.
14. The Precept for the year 2004/5 is £3500.
The ordinary business of the Odell Parish Council resumed:
1. It is proposed to put a more visible sign outside the Village Hall.
2. The grass cutting contract has been renewed for the coming season.
3. The Bedfordshire County Council has again been reminded about the white lines on Castle Hill.
4. A skip will be in the village on Sunday 13th June and Sunday 24th October, from 12 noon to 3.00pm.
5. Bedfordshire County Council has given attention to the trees in the Country Park, cropping and felling as appropriate.
6. The benches in the village will be repaired and maintained as necessary.
7. It was decided to surrender the lease formerly held on the playground, since we cannot renew it, and we cannot insure the equipment.
8. Litter has been thrown from the school buses on to the verges at the eastern end of the Sharnbrook Road. Letters are to be sent to the heads of Sharnbrook Upper School and Priory Middle School.
Jonathan Harrison, Parish Councillor, 9 March 2004
Village Hall News
If you have an idea or can help with these let us know, and if you would like a venue for a private function, the very reasonable hire fee helps us maintain the hall.
On the
19th March the Time of Our Lives Theatre Company presented
their latest production, "Radio Days and TV Times" to a packed audience. The
popularity of this event meant that tickets sold out two weeks before the show!!
We were again treated to songs from the past and hilarious sketches around TV
and Radio favourites. We have been asked to book them again should they produce
another show next year.
Village Hall Access
This long drawn out process is gathering a little momentum: new plans are being drawn up for presentation to the Planning Department and once costings have been confirmed, we should be able to submit an application for funding assistance. A number of people are working hard to make this happen but we are at the mercy of many systems and processes, but as things progress we will keep villagers up to date.
Dates for your diary
17th April - Quiz.
The annual quiz returns with teams of up to 6 as usual and £2 per person entrance. Start preparing your team for your specialist subjects and all round knowledge. 7.30 for 8 pm start. There will be a bar and a raffle.
26th April - The Annual General Meeting will be held in the Hall at 8pm. It is of course the traditional time for new officers/members to be considered for the committee, so if you have a desire to support your local village hall please feel free to offer your support at the AGM when membership of the management committee will be confirmed for the coming year.
Please be reminded that the front door lock has been changed and in keeping with good practice we have a new arrangement for opening the hall. A list of keyholders will be posted on the hall door. Harry Smith has kindly offered to prepare the hall for users ensuring heating is on as necessary and the doors opened and locked after activities. In the absence of Harry being available other keyholders will undertake this task. We hope this will not inconvenience anyone, as keys will not generally be handed out, but it is a sensible approach to ensuring the security of a valuable asset.
Waste Paper Collection. Thank you for bringing your waste paper to the bins. Though the return is small, every little bit helps financially and of course the waste is recycled.
Do please support our events, and do suggest to us your ideas for alternative activities.
Rob Lee (720730) on behalf of the Village Hall Committee.
Internet access for Odell
The trigger level for the Harrold exchange to be upgraded to provide Broadband Internet access has been set at 300 customers across Carlton, Harrold and Odell. Currently 199 people have registered interest so please encourage everyone you know to go to the BT website –
www.bt.com – and click on the Broadband ‘find out more’ banner – it will lead you to the screen for you to register your interest and phone number.
The Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook
Kander and Ebb’s Smash Hit Musical: Cabaret
Friday 14th
– Saturday 22nd May
The tumult of 1930s Berlin brought to you via the glitz and glamour of the Kit Kat Klub. Memorable songs include ‘Wilkommen’, ‘Don’t tell Mama’, ‘Money’, ‘Tomorrow belongs to me’ and the famous title number ‘Cabaret’. Don’t miss this exciting and thought-provoking show, which made stars of Dame Judi Dench and Liza Minnelli.
Friday 14th May Charity performance for the Bedford British Legion Poppy Appeal. For tickets please contact Mrs Angela Parker 01234 2665803.
Tickets available from one month before. (see below).
Later in the year:
The Wonderful Historical Drama – The Lion in Winter – September 21st – 25th.
The Musical Legend – My Fair Lady – November 12th – 20th.
The Village Trader, Sharnbrook (in person) – your local booking point
Central Box Office, Bedford 01234 269519*;
The Castle, Wellingborough 01933 270007*
*Credit/Debit cards accepted.
For Party bookings: Please phone Alison Bean 01234 781372
(10% discount for 10 or more, excluding charity performances)
The Mill Theatre Reg. Charity No 242164
Sharnbrook Amateur Theatre Trust Ltd
Drama Summer School 2004. Are you aged 9-18 years? A week long Summer School at The Mill Theatre under the direction of professional Drama Tutors is planned provisionally for Monday 2nd to Saturday 7th August, culminating with a performance on Saturday 7th August. The course fee is £100. Would you like to take part? To register your interest or for further details, please contact:
Erica Lester 01234 782210
8th 7.45pm Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion (BCP), All Saints’.
9th 2.00pm Good Friday service of devotion: "An Hour at the Cross", All Saints’.
10th 10.00am Church Decorating.
11th 10.00am Easter Day Service of Holy Communion (CW).
13th 7.30pm W.I. Village Hall.
17th 7.30pm Quiz in Village Hall.
20th 7.45pm Vestry Meeting, Village Hall.
20th 8.00pm PCC APCM, Village Hall.
21st 10.30am Meeting Point, Liz Dodwell’s, Watermead, Odell Rd., Harrold.
26th 8.00pm Village Hall AGM, in the Village Hall.
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the May 2004 magazine to Tricia Hudson (patriciahudson at kbnet.co.uk), Anne Turner or Catherine Corkery by April 12th 2004 at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.
Mike & Jane
Welcome all customers, both old & new to the
recently refurbished
Cock at Pavenham
Hand Prepared & Home Cooked Food is available Wednesday to Saturday Evenings. Fresh sandwiches, Soups & Ploughmans are available at weekend lunchtimes
Large garden with fabulous views
Parties welcome in our separate dining room
We are keen that our food offering is of the highest quality using the freshest ingredients and make no apologies if availability is limited – so BOOK EARLY!
Quiz night every 2nd Monday in the month
Opening Times
Monday to Friday 5.00pm to 11.00pm
Saturday 12.00am to 3.00 pm & 6.30pm to 11.00pm
Sundays 12.00am to 3.00pm & 7.00pm to 10.30pm
Electronic mail address
email is jh at kbnet.net - I put it like this to avoid spam! - just retype with the 'at' being an 'at' sign and of course no spaces.
FAX number
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