CHURCH NEWS - October 2009
October 2009
Dear Friends,
The children are back to school, the evenings are drawing in and even on sunny days there’s a bit of a nip in the air, reminding us that Autumn is here and it’s only around 80 shopping days to Christmas. Not that I want to rush you towards Christmas when Advent hasn’t even begun – but I do want to commend to you our Fairtrade Café on Saturday 31st October as an excellent place to shop for reasonably priced gifts that are just a little bit different.
Without driving anywhere, without getting stuck in traffic or struggling to find a place to park you can come and browse a wide variety of goodies from around the world right here in our own village hall, from 10.00am – 12 noon. Once again Brenda and Lionel will bring a delightful array of goods from around the world, many of them hand-crafted, and all of them fairly traded. While you’re deciding what to buy, relax with a coffee or tea and some delectable cookies (Fairtrade of course!)
In a year when most of us are having to make every penny count, can I encourage you to continue to look for fairly traded goods when shopping. When the world’s economies suffer, it gets even harder for growers and producers, especially in the third world. When you buy Fairtrade goods, it not only ensures a fair price has been paid for the product, but also that the buyers are in a beneficial long-term relationship with the growers and workers to improve sustainability and help fund schools and health centres.
Shopping responsibly and ethically is one way we can respond to God’s call on us to ‘do justly’ – a strong theme through both Old and New Testaments. Jesus re-iterated this in his call to us to love our neighbours as ourselves, and to pray for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. These are not just fine-sounding words, they are God-shaped values to guide us in daily living, and yes, even in our shopping habits!
Over 3,000 products now carry the Fairtrade mark in the UK – check out a well-known sugar supplier that has come on board since one of their directors went to a Fairtrade event at his mother’s church. Also check out cosmetics, olives and olive oil, wine, nuts, flowers, cotton goods, ice cream (look for ‘flavour with a mission’), fudge, sweets, and many craft goods.
Can’t find what you want? – ring me for a free Fairtrade Directory listing shops, suppliers and restaurants etc. throughout North Bedfordshire –now registered officially as a Fairtrade town.
With love and prayers,
What is the Prayer Group? It is made up of members of All Saints’ Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support.
Who do we pray for? Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us.
What do we pray about? Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness. You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam. Any information will be treated in strictest confidence.
How can you let us know if you would like us to pray for you? You can either telephone Christine (720234), or drop a note through the Rectory door, or complete a card (anonymously if you wish) and place it in a box kept near the church door. Prayer requests will be collected from the box each Sunday morning after the 10.00am service.
AMBLERS – if you would enjoy a walk in the country followed by a pub lunch, do join us on our next walk on Saturday 17th October – meet at 9.45am outside The Bell.
THE ODELL RECIPE BOOK – have you got your copy?!
If not, you can buy it from any church member, The Bell pub or Tea-Zels Café in the Country Park - price £6.00.
ART EXHIBITION – many thanks to all of you who came and supported this very enjoyable event. The amount raised for our Tea-Point & Toilet fund was just over £1,500 which exceeded all our expectations.
Left in Church after the Art Exhibition – A silver, half-hoop earring. If you think it may be yours, please contact Christine on 720234.
CHURCHYARD TIDY-UP – if you are free on Saturday 10th October and would like to help prune, weed, strip ivy from trees etc. you are most welcome to come along between 10-12 noon. Refreshments provided!
Meeting Point
7th Doris Bannard-Smith, "Goodly Heritage" Pavenham
21st Jill Cheadle, Rectory Farm, Odell
4th Christine Clark, The Rectory, Church Lane, Odell
Odell Monday Club
for children aged 5-8 years old
5.30 - 6.30pm
at The Rectory, 3, Church Lane, Odell.
Games, Activities, Crafts, Bible stories, Music, Drama
Encouraging children to think about the world they live in, their contribution to it and where faith fits in - while having fun!
For an application form contact Christine Clark Tel: 720234, or Carol Ormond Tel: 720409.
Our Giving in October is to The Church Missionary Society
Birthdays in October
We wish Lottie Robinson a very happy birthday on 18th October ...and send best wishes to everyone with a birthday in October.
News of the Ochanas
Dear Praying Friends ,
We were delighted to present your kind financial gift of £110 ( converted into Kenya Shillings) to Rev Ochana and his Steering Group in Kitale, Kenya in July. As you may know, we (the Jenner family ) still worship at Holy Trinity Platt, Manchester . This is the church where Rev Geoffrey Ochana worked back in 1992-94. In fact Geoffrey baptised our daughter Luci, who is now 17yrs old! It was a privilege to visit them and others who form “the Peace in the Valley Ministries” this summer. We saw and heard many stories about the way in which Geoffrey and Helen’s work has brought blessing to the people of Kitale and beyond. The team has been active in sharing the gospel, resulting in people accepting Christ as Lord, and living transformed lives. We also met members of the water project team, planning to sink a borehole in to the North of Kitale, on the road to Lake Turkana. Geoffrey and Helen have developed a particular heart to go to some of the remote people groups who are not easily reached. Please do pray that their vision to see churches planted in new places will become a reality in the year ahead.
We also give special thanks that Wycliffe Bible Translation trauma healing materials we took out have been adopted by St. Luke’s Church , where Geoffrey is also an Associate Minister. This means that many people will now receive help to recover from the effects of last years’ post-election violence and from the ongoing devastation of death caused by HIV/Aids and poverty. This is the transforming power of the gospel at work.
Ian and I felt uplifted by your prayers and support, we are thankful that the Lord used our trip to bring encouragement and hope to Geoffrey and Helen and many others. We were thrilled to have many opportunities to speak and to convey your greetings to the fellowships there. In particular, the Provost of St Luke’s invited us to preach in a Swahili Service (with an interpreter) on Deut 30, a message of hope and healing.
Please do continue to pray for the congregation St Luke’s, Geoffrey and Helen and the whole Peace in the Valley ministry team as they seek to grow the ministry into the future. On their behalf we also want to express our heartfelt thanks for your faithful support and prayers over all these years.
Yours in Christ
Ian and Shirley Jenner ( Distributors of Geoffrey and Helen Ochana’s prayer letter)
Ken Shellard was born in Towcester in Feb 1923. He came to Odell as a very small boy when his father came to work on a farm in Little Odell and the family moved into Horsefair Lane. Here Ken met Derek Spencer who became a lifelong friend. Derek has kindly supplied the following account of their lives.
Ken and I became friends when we were seven years old when I moved to no. 3 Council Houses in Horsefair Lane next door to Ken in no. 4. We went to school in the village until we were 11 years old and then went to Sharnbrook. We walked there and in those days never saw a motor vehicle on the way. On our way home in the vegetable season we would stop at Whitney’s market gardeners and hoe a few rows of vegetables. For this we would be paid 3 farthings an hour, enough to buy some sweets at Towells shop (now Linden House).
Ken and I were in the Scouts together. The meetings when we joined were held in the reading room at the top of Mill Lane. Later they were held in the Scout Hut in the High Street. We went to Scout camps at Snettisham and Chinnor.
We were both taught to swim in the Mill Pool after getting a permit from Odell Castle Estate. Three of us were on a rush raft one afternoon and went through the sluice. The raft went under in the fast water and we all fell off. Knowing our friend was unable to swim, Ken dived down and brought him to the surface and we pulled him to the bank. Fearing our parents would stop us going to the river, we kept this a secret. We were both keen stamp collectors and had a standing order at the Post Office for first day covers.
When we left school we went to work for Wesley & Brough, leather dressers in Wollaston, working on the same printing machine. We worked a 48 hour week for 15 shillings and 75 pence - five 9 hour days and 3 hours on Saturday.
The only time we were parted for long was when Ken was in the Navy and I was in the Army during the Second World War.
We were both lovers of nature and would walk the lanes, woods and meadows from our school days until late in our lives. For many years we spent evenings in The Mad Dog playing cards and dominoes.
I feel privileged to have had such a friend. Derek Spencer.
about Ken Shellard
During the war Ken worked initially at an airfield, but in June 1942 he enlisted in the Royal Navy where he served on 15 different ships including HMS Victory, Excellent, Formidable (aircraft carrier), Vulcan, and was on HMS Nelson when the end of war was declared. On 2nd September 1945 he witnessed the surrender of the Japanese forces in Penang.
He came home on leave towards the end of 1944 and married Florence on 30th December.
After the war Ken worked for Robert Keron at Grange Farm for 6 months before returning to Wesley Brough where he remained until the factory closed in 1989.
In retirement Ken remained active, walking, cycling and working in his well stocked garden. When his vegetable garden was sold as a building plot he gardened for neighbours and friends. He gave much valued assistance to Georgie Knight when graves were to be dug. These activities only ceased when failing health made it necessary.
The death of his only daughter Joss in Sep 1997 and of Florrie in 2007 left Ken very lonely, but though sad to leave Odell in December 2007 he settled into a new routine in Peaches Close, Harrold until taken ill early this year. Following an operation he suffered one setback after another, prolonging his time in hospital until June when he moved to the Willows Care Home in Shakespeare Road where he died on 19th August 2009.
He will long be remembered by his friends for his thoughtful and kindly generosity. Ann Hudson
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Many congratulations and best wishes to Sarah Bennett who celebrated her 80th birthday on September 12th with a party for friends and family.
My 80th birthday party was a great success. I was so pleased that so many of my lovely family made a tremendous effort to make my special birthday a day to remember: Jenny, Helen, Marion, twins John andFlorence and my lovely daughter-in-law, Diane. It was truly one of the best days of my life apart from my Wedding Day. Also, I was delighted to see my grandson Nicolai’s wife Rachel with my latest great-grandchild Lottie. My nieces and nephews came from York, London, Southampton, Worcestershire and America! Nor must I forget Bill’s Uncle Ivan, who is 86, and his lovely wife Violet.
It was wonderful too to see so many of my lovely friends from the Village. Thanks to Tundi and Yinka who made a special effort to attend after coming straight from a wedding party in London.
All in all about 40 or 50 attended; sadly many others from Odell Church and W.I were unable to attend due to other engagements. It was a splendid evening: thanks to all for the contributions of food and thank you to Catherine and to Christine and David for their generosity in providing accommodation for some visiting nieces. Kelly’s Eye Band was just terrific—a foot-tapping experience of a lifetime for me from the beginning to the end, while David’s dancing stole years away from me! Roma and her dancers really completed the evening. Thanks to all!
With love, Sarah
1st 10.30am HOCP Health Walk.
3rd 2pm W.I. Jumble Sale, Village Hall.
7th 10.30am Meeting point at Doris’s, Goodly Heritage, Pavenham.
7th Wodehill Jazz Band at The Bell.
10th 10-12pm Churchyard tidy.
13th 7.30pm W.I. Village Hall.
14th 12.30pm Senior Citizens’ Autumn Lunch, Village Hall.
15th 10.30am HOCP Health Walk.
16th 8pm Sharnbrook Wildlife Trust talk, Methodist Church.
17th 9.45am All Saints’ Amblers meet at The Bell.
17th 7.30pm Quiz in Village Hall.
21st 10.30am Meeting Point at Jill’s, Rectory Farm.
25th 1-4pm The Big Draw at HOCP.
25th 7.30pm Quiz at The Bell.
26th 10am – 3pmConservation Tasks, HOCP.
29th 10.30am Health Walk HOCP.
31st 10-12pm Fairtrade Café, Village Hall.
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the November 2009 magazine to Tricia Hudson (mag1 at or Catherine Corkery by October 12th 2009 at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.
PS photos welcome!