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CHURCH NEWS - September 2007

September 2007

Dear Friends,

My two grand-daughters, Trinity and Faith, both aged 4, are very excited indeed at the thought of starting ‘big school’ this September.

Trinity came to church at the beginning of August wearing her new uniform and clutching her pink Cinderella lunch box, and glowing with a new sense of importance. Every time I’ve seen Faith over the last four months, she has talked about the move to big school with a touching earnestness and a growing sense of anticipation.

Starting ‘proper’ school is a huge milestone in any child’s life, marking a crucial step along the way towards eventual independence and maturity. Of course there are many more steps lying ahead – many triumphs to be celebrated, pitfalls to be overcome, tears and laughter along the way – and it brings a lump to my throat to think of all the girls will have to negotiate and manage as they grow older.

The Christian life has often been likened to a journey that typically begins with baptism and continues until at the end of this earthly life we are brought face to face with our maker. Like the girls setting out on their long journey, our journey of faith can experience many ups and downs, joys and setbacks. There are moments of feeling close to God, and other times when our prayers just seem to hit the ceiling and bounce right back to us. Although we regularly attend to our physical needs and material needs, we often neglect to maintain our spiritual lives. We tell ourselves we’ll get around to it some day. Little wonder then, as we make our way through life, that we can find ourselves ill-prepared for the knocks that can come our way.

One way we can be better prepared is to get a good understanding of what the Christian faith is all about. What exactly did Jesus teach – and who was he anyway? What can he possibly have to say to me in the situation I find myself in today? Is Christianity really as boring as we are led to believe – or could there be a deep and wonderful truth hidden beneath all the traditions and accretions that the church has added over the centuries?

If you would like to explore these questions – and more – can I recommend you try the Alpha course which begins at The Rectory on Tuesday September 11th. In company with others, share supper together, listen to a speaker and have the opportunity to discuss and chew over the issues in a small group, sharing experiences and insights over the ten weeks of the course.

If you would like to know more about the Alpha course (or any aspect of the Christian faith), do give me a ring on 720234 or e-mail me at


The Alpha Course

run in churches of all denominations, all over the world, will be running again right here in Odell, on Tuesday evenings at The Rectory, Church Lane, from September 11th through to November 20th. Exploring the

basic beliefs of Christianity, each session begins with supper at 7.30pm followed by a talk and informal discussion and is an ideal opportunity to ask all those questions you always wanted to. This is a ‘Churches Together’ event in partnership with Harrold & Carlton. Further details and application forms are available from Rev’d Christine Clark (720234) or Jenny Quillen (720673).

Confirmation Service in November

A Confirmation Service is planned for Tuesday 27th November at 7.30pm in the Sharnbrook Deanery – venue to be announced at a later date. If you would like to consider going forward for confirmation, or if you want to know more about what is involved in preparation, please contact Rev’d Christine Clark on 720234 for more information.

Farewell to Reverend Jean Burrows

On September 2nd at 11.00am a special joint service with Harrold, Odell and Carlton churches will be held at St. Peter's, Harrold, to say farewell to Jean. After the service everyone is invited to a lunch at Carlton Village Hall when presentations will be made to Jean. Jean is taking up a ministerial post in the Diocese of Canterbury; we wish her happiness and fulfilment in her new position.

The Prayer Group

What is the Prayer Group? It is made up of members of All Saints Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support.

Who do we pray for? Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us.

What will you pray about? Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness. You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam. Any information will be treated in strictest confidence.

How can I let you know if I would like you to pray for me? You can

either telephone Christine (720234), or drop a note through the Rectory door, or complete a card (anonymously if you wish) and place it in a box kept near the church door. Prayer requests will be collected from the box each Sunday morning after the 10.00am service.

Meeting Point September

Wed 5th 10.30am at Sarah Bennett’s, 9 Horsefair Lane.

Wed 19th 10.30am, at Catherine’s, 40 High St. Harrold..

Watch out in October’s magazine for more details of:

Coffee and Cake morning in aid of St John’s

Hospice, at Rose Cottage, Felmersham, on October 2nd.


All Saints’ Amblers

The next walk & pub lunch will be on Saturday 22nd September. Meet outside The Bell at 9.45am – transport provided to start of walk if needed. Everyone welcome, including children and dogs on leads!

Harvest Festival Weekend

All Saints’ Odell

29th—30th- September

Saturday 29th 10am Decorating the church for the festival. Please bring along flowers, greenery and produce – everyone invited to help!

7.00 for 7.30pm. Harvest Supper and Barn Dance in the Village Hall. Everyone welcome, bring and share supper. Tickets from Jill Cheadle 720261 and Nikki Freeman, 720893, £2.00 adults, £1.00 children and concessions. See Village Hall News for more details.

Sunday 30th September

10am Harvest Festival All Age Service in All Saints’.

Produce donated by the congregation will be distributed among the elderly of the village.

Shoebox Appeal

This year we will again be collecting shoeboxes filled with small gifts for children in hospitals and orphanages in Belarus. Conditions are mostly bad and the gifts can make a huge difference, bringing comfort and pleasure. Bring your filled and wrapped shoebox to our Harvest Festival Service (or to The Rectory). They will be sent to Emmaus for final checking before being taken by lorry from Carlton, directly to their destination.

If you would like to contribute to this appeal, decide whether you want to buy for a boy or girl, and what age (from 4-16 years). You should receive a leaflet through your door later this month giving details of what to pack in the box, but generally it’s small toys, sweets, coloured pens, wash stuff, warm hat, scarf, mittens and underwear. So start buying now, but don’t include anything you would not want to give to your own children or friends as a gift.

Our Giving in September is to St. Luke’s hospital.

St. Luke’s was originally a hospital dedicated to serving the clergy and their families, but has now expanded and welcomes anybody who wishes to join their medical scheme. However, their first priority is still with the clergy so that they can be treated and return to work in their parishes as quickly as possible. For more information you can write to: St. Luke’s Hospital, 14 Fitzroy Square, London W1P 6AH.

Do please give generously in our collection or in the plate at the back of the church.

Sarah Bennett kindly sent in the following article:

Bring Your Red Umbrella

When severe drought hit a small farming community in the Mid-West a local church called for a prayer meeting and everybody showed up.

Crisis has a way of getting our attention! As the pastor stood up before a packed church he noticed an eleven year old girl sitting in the front row, beaming with excitement. Lying beside her was her bright red umbrella poised for use.

The beauty and innocence of this sight made him smile as he compared the faith of this child with that of the rest of the people in the room. You see, the rest of them had just come to pray for rain! She had come to see God answer!

One of the dangers of praying, yet really not expecting anything: without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe…He rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11: 6NIV).

So how do I get more faith? By filling your mind with the scriptures. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17).

When you immerse yourself in God’s word, amazing things happen; faith takes root and begins to grow. Faith is what makes your prayer effective. But what if your prayer lines up with God’s word, yet an answer is delayed? Keep praying and believing! Do not throw away your confidence, it will be greatly rewarded. You need to persevere so that you have done the will of God. You will receive what He has promised (Hebrews10:35-36). So when you pray, expect an answer.

Taken from "Word for Today" with kind permission of United Christian Broadcasters. 0845 6040 401

David Payne—New Address

Friends of David Payne (former Rector of All Saints’ in Odell) will wish to know that from October David will have a new address:

29 Hatley Drive, Burwell, Cambridge CB25 0HB

David is always pleased to hear from all his friends in Odell and surrounding villages.

Ouse Valley Singers Concert 30th June


On Saturday 30th June the Ouse Valley Singers entertained a full audience in All Saints’ Church with a wide selection of songs, accompanied by Derrick Robinson on piano and conducted by Janet Welsh. Derrick also performed some wonderful solo piano pieces, and, with Janet, some lively duets. The audience was also treated to some wonderful

performances by soloist Andrew Woodburn. The evening was a great success and everyone agreed that we must invite the choir to come and entertain us again.

Odell Fete 2007

The profit from the Fete this year was particularly good, totalling £2,800. Half of this - £1400 – has been donated to the Village Hall.

Odell Church Flower Rota


2nd Jeanette Roche

9th Georgina Harrison

16th Roberta Goodman

23rd Tricia Hudson

29th Decorate church for Harvest

30th Harvest Festival

Birthday Greetings To:

Christy Vyvyan 8 on 13th

Daniel Bridgman 25th

And to everyone else with a birthday in



Magazine Deadline

Please send all entries for the October 2007 magazine to Tricia Hudson ( or Catherine Corkery by September 12th 2007 at

the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.




Can you really believe that each tree that enhances

Our world with its beauty and bountiful branches

Is merely good fortune from earth’s changing state

With the size of its girth and its height gauged by fate?


What about things like acorns with horny outsides?

And sycamore keys? Many others besides.

How on earth can the secrets of life be installed

With no case of mistake inside any seed walled?


Why does a tree grow always true to its kind

Yet always so different, the same you’ll not find?

Though an oak may grow ever so different by chance

You can tell its an oak straight away at a glance


Whether stunted or giant or twisted or bent

Is directly connected with environment

But what is the great over-riding control

That prevents great distortion in each silent bole?


How is it we have many wondrous selections

Of trees with their timbers of separate perfections?

Why is there a timber for each human need?

Do you still mean to tell me they chanced from a weed?


Can you really believe such in spite of our wood

When its long standing evidence really should

Leave you marvelling in awe of an Almighty Hand

In whose mind such a thing as a tree has been planned

Roger Jackson



5th 10.30am Meeting Point at Sarah’s, 9 Horsefair Lane.

7th 7pm Bonas Bros playing at The Bell.

11th 7.30pm Alpha Course, Rectory.

11th 7.30pm W.I. Village Hall.

18th 7.30pm Alpha Course, Rectory.

19th 10.30am Meeting Point; at Catherine’s, 40 High St., Harrold..

22nd 9.45am All Saints’ Amblers meet at The Bell.

24th 10am Conservation tasks, HOCP.

25th 7.30pm Alpha Course, Rectory.

29th 10am Church decorating for harvest.

29th 7.30pm Harvest Supper and Barn Dance, Village Hall.

30th 10am Harvest “all age” service, All Saints’.


2nd 10.30am Coffee and Cakes for St John’s Hospice, Felmersham.

3rd 10.30am Meeting Point at Eileen’s, Church Hall Road, Rushden

3rd 12.30 Senior Citizens’ Harvest Lunch, Village Hall.

6th 10am Harrold Craft and Food Fayre.


Electronic mail address

email is mag1 at

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Last revised: September 02, 2007.