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CHURCH NEWS - September  2001

On Sunday 16th September we held a service in memory of all those who perished in the American terrorist attack of September 11th.  Our prayers were for the injured and bereaved. The thoughts of the people of Odell are with our American brothers and sisters

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Leading the worship were members of the Anglican Youth Fellowship Band of Uganda  who had been staying in Odell and were due to fly to Boston on September 14th.

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From the Rectory

September  2001

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Dear Friends,

One of the ‘buzz’ words of the present time is multi-cultural. In my dictionary, which is admittedly twenty years old but still doing good service, it is not listed. Obviously, it means many cultures but tends to be used as one size to fit all expression. Included in this is the concept that a least at a basic level all religions are the same. Just over a century ago when comparative religion began to take shape, some German thinkers embraced the idea that there is a highest common factor concerning a quest for God.

That sounds wonderful because if it were true then we should all get together and live happily ever after. However, the fact is that it does not bear close examination. Even a cursory check will reveal some startling and profound differences. Tribal religions worship many gods. That is polytheism. Hinduism tends to pantheism, which identifies God and nature. Buddhism is atheistic and Islam and Judaism are strongly Unitarian.

Before we look at Christianity and its differences, we need to assert quite strongly that all people have the right and indeed the duty to worship according to their conscience. There can be no place for intolerance. Tolerance means in a religious sense freedom to hold opinions that differ from others. However, that also means that there should be the possibility of a free and frank exchange of opinions and views. That surely is the hallmark of a civilised society.

How does Christianity differ from all other world religions? In a word it is Trinitarian. What do we mean by the term? To put a very profound truth simply, it is a belief that God is One and at the same time within the Godhead there are three distinct persons who are co-equal. How did Christianity come to this unique view? Christianity began with the witness to Jesus as the Son of God and that claim was confirmed by his resurrection from the dead and his appearance to many witnesses. The deity of Christ was strongly asserted and formed an essential part of the faith of the early Church.

In those early centuries, as Christians faced polytheism and idolatry, they maintained that God is One. However, an explanation had to be given of how God is One and at the same time how Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are also God. On that basis and from the witness of the Scriptures the teaching of the Trinity was formulated, which divides Christianity from all other world religions. It is a profound mystery but we must remember that we are dealing with the existence of Almighty God.

Yours sincerely, David Streater

(I am always ready to discuss any matters arising from what I have written in the magazine.)

Church Opening

Many of you will know that because of the problems of vandalism and theft from Churches generally, the Parish Church is kept locked. Unless there is a specific reason for opening it earlier, it will be opened for Sunday and occasional services half an hour before the Service is due to start.

The Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is there if you need prayer for yourself, for others or for members of your family. Please don’t ask for prayer outside your own family without people’s permission. To have a number of people pray just telephone David (720234) or Dennis (822992).

Harvest Festival in All Saints’ Church, Odell

Decorating the church for Harvest

Please come and help decorate the church for the Harvest festival, from 10.00am on Saturday September 29th. Flowers, fruit and greenery are all needed, but most of all we need extra hands and enthusiastic helpers!

Harvest Thanksgiving Service

This year our service of thanksgiving will take place on Sunday September 30th. It is a service for all the family. Any produce donated by members of the congregation will be donated to the elderly in the village. The service will begin at 10.00am.

Harvest Supper.

This will take place on Saturday October 6th in the Village Hall at 7.00 for 7.30pm. A light hearted quiz will follow the supper. Tickets, costing £3.50 or £2.00 for concessions, are available from Jill Cheadle. Everyone is very welcome!

Meeting Point – September

Wednesday 5th September 10.30am at Eileen Shakespeare’s, Corner House, 38 Wymington Park, Rushden.

19th Harrold Pit Run - Saturday 15 September

Sponsorship forms are now available from Michael Bliss in Harrold and the Post Office and Stores in Carlton from mid-August on payment of the entry fee of £2 for the Main Race. The entry fee on the day will be £5. Entry for the School and Wheelchair races is free. So get your sponsorship forms and get your sponsors! Don't forget half your sponsorship money goes to the organisation you choose from those listed.

The Main Race starts as usual at 3.00 pm, with the Lower and Middle School races and the Wheelchair race starting from 2.00 pm. There will stalls and, we hope, a band on the Green during the afternoon, so come along, support the runners and enjoy the atmosphere!.

Liz Dodwell hopes to be running for Aid for Romania, and as usual will be looking for sponsors!

North Beds Healing Group - Wholeness & Healing

Forward in Healing course in Bedford

We still hope there will be a Basic Lay Training Course in the Ministry of Healing run over six weeks, early next year, at St Andrew’s Church in Bedford. This will be open to anyone interested from any denomination and deanery. Please contact us if you want to be kept informed or if you can help in any way. Also please tell us what day of the week is best or worst for your church.

Some Enigmas of Healing. Saturday November 3rd

Discussion Meeting at St Andrew’s Church, Kimbolton Road, Bedford.

Looking Way Ahead:

Please note the date for next year’s service at St. Alban’s: Saturday 9 February, 2002.

Celebration of Christian Healing in the context of the Eucharist.

Speaker: Dr Gareth Tuckwell, (until recently Medical Director at Burrswood)

Music by ‘Face 2 Face’.

This is a very special service so do try to get there. More details later.

For more information about the North Beds Healing Group or any of these meetings please contact Liz Dodwell at Watermead, 41 Odell Road, Harrold, Bedford MK 43 7DH (telephone 01234 720640 and e-mail: or Revd D Mason, 2A Devon Road, Bedford (telephone 01234 309737 or e-mail

Flower Rota: If anyone would like to do the flowers in Church for any Sunday, in memory of a loved one or any other anniversary, please contact Jill Cheadle 720261.

Our giving in September is to St. Luke’s hospital.

St. Luke’s was originally a hospital dedicated to serving the clergy and their families, but has now expanded and welcomes anybody who wishes to join their medical scheme. However, their first priority is still with the clergy so that they can be treated and return to work in their parishes as quickly as possible. For more information you can write to: St. Luke’s Hospital, 14 Fitzroy Square, London W1P 6AH.

Do please give generously in our collection or in the plate at the back of the church.


Congratulations to David Allerton and Caroline Miers on their wedding in the Church on Saturday July 21st.

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Birthday greetings to:

Bethan Lee who will be 12 on September 16th and

Daniel Bridgman who will be 11 on September 25th …

And to everyone else with a birthday in September.

September Diary

2nd 12.00 noon Exemption Dog Show, Riverside Grounds, Sharnbrook Mill.

5th 10.30am Meeting Point, Eileen Shakespeare’s, Corner House, 38 Wymington Park, Rushden.

5th 7.00pm Scouts meet in Odell Village Hall.

8th,9th 11.00am Arts and Crafts Festival, St. Margaret’s, Knotting.

10th Parish Council Meeting, Village Hall.

11th 7.30pm W.I., Village Hall.

12th 7.00pm Scouts meet in Odell Village Hall.

15th 3.00pm Harrold Pit Run

2.00pm Lower & Middle School & Wheelchair Races.

19th 7.00pm Scouts meet in Harrold Cub hut.

22nd 7.30pm Village Hall Quiz.

25th 7.45pm "Whodunnit", Sharnbrook Mill Theatre. Gala Night –

-29th Wednesday 26th.

26th 7.00pm Scouts meet in Harrold Cub Hut.

28th – 30th Scouts District Activity Camp.

Articles Wanted

We are always looking for more articles for the magazine – particularly items of special interest to the church, village and people of Odell!

Magazine Deadline

Please send all entries for the October magazine to Tricia Hudson (, Anne Turner or Catherine Corkery by September 12th at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.

electronic mail address

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Last revised: September 16, 2001.