From the Rectory
July 2001
Dear Friends,
The election is over and the electioneering is now finished for some time. Many will be elated and others deeply disappointed at the result for a variety of reasons. Power has not been transferred but a peaceful continuation of power has occurred by mutual agreement according to the law of the land. We should be very grateful for this. Winston Churchill once wrote words to the effect that democracy is a very poor form of government but it is the best one that we have got.
It is therefore deeply disturbing that so many are disaffected with the system so that the turn out for the election is at a very low level. Obviously, questions will be asked as to why this should be so? There may be many reasons but in my personal opinion there are two factors that are causing the problem. The first is that very many people do not trust politicians to tell them the truth. This is not a question of party political persuasion but a fact that all governments and parties are economical with the real facts.
Added to this, are the broken promises that occur after every election. It is quite certain that promises may be genuinely made but because of the force of circumstances they cannot be delivered. However, it is quite apparent over the years that some promises are like the proverbial piecrust, made to be broken. This creates an atmosphere of distrust and cynicism that is very difficult to remove.
The second factor is the presentation of the politicians and the election by the Press and Television and Radio broadcasters. In the main, the Press is open as to its allegiance and cannot be accused of bias when it is made quite clear whom it supports. One has the choice of purchasing the newspaper or declining to buy it if one disagrees with its stand. The Welsh Mirror distinguished itself with the photo of William Hague and the headline X marks the clot. That spoke more volubly about the Editor than Mr Hague.
Television and broadcasting is much more difficult because they are supposed to be impartial but it is well nigh impossible not to reflect ones personal likes and dislikes, at least at a subliminal level, by choice of phrase and commenting in what is left unsaid rather than actually said. In some cases the personalities of the broadcasters seemed to be more important than the politicians that they were interviewing. One particular interview must rate as the all time low, even calling forth comment in The Times. Related to this is the fallacy that the politician must look something like a movie star in order to please the television audiences. This equates integrity and ability with glamour and style.
Leadership of the country is too serious a matter to be placed in the hands of the glamorous and stylish who may have neither the integrity nor the ability to chart the best course for this country. We might remember that Pontius Pilate made the worst political decision of all time by disregarding the fact that he knew Jesus was innocent but cynically had him killed in order not to lose his power position in the Empire. His comment What is truth sums up the political attitude that although he knew that justice should be done and Jesus released this was inconvenient for his own ambition. Therefore Jesus must die and Barabbas, a murderer, freed in his place.
We need to ask the question why democracy developed strongly in the United Kingdom, the United States? The answer lies in the consequential political developments from the Reformation. Democracy can grow when there is a controlling principle of accountability to a higher power who has revealed His will in His Word. In other words, a Christian ethos where the loser congratulates the winner on his success and the winner congratulates the loser on the way that he played the game.
Yob culture cannot do that and yobbery is much wider spread than the extreme areas of yobs themselves. Perhaps, we might quote Rudyard Kipling who admirably expresses that sentiment in these words, For when the one great Scorer comes to write against your name, He writes not that you won or lost but how you played the game.
Sincerely in Christ,
David Streater
[I am always available to discuss this and any other matter that you might like to raise.]
The Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain is there if you need prayer for yourself, for others or for members of your family. Please dont ask for prayer outside your own family without peoples permission. To have a number of people pray just telephone David (720234) or Dennis (822992).
Meeting Point
Tuesday 3rd July Meeting Point Lunch venue to be arranged.
Meeting Point will take a break for the summer until September 5th when it will be held at 10.30am at Eileen Shakespeares, Corner House, 38 Wymington Park, Rushden.
19th Harrold Pit Run
- Saturday 15 SeptemberThis time the Pit Run will definitely take place unless the whole of the Country Park is closed again. If the water meadows remain closed, there will be a modified course, perhaps with runners going round the field at the Odell end of the park. Sponsorship forms will be available from Michael Bliss in Harrold and the Post Office and Stores in Carlton from mid-August on payment of the entry fee of £2 for the Main Race. The entry fee on the day will be £5. Entry for the School and Wheelchair races is free. So get your sponsorship forms and get your sponsors! Don't forget half your sponsorship money goes to the organisation you choose from those listed.
The Main Race starts as usual at 3.00 pm, with the Lower and Middle School races and the Wheelchair race starting from 2.00 pm. There will stalls and, we hope, a band on the Green during the afternoon, so come along, support the runners and enjoy the atmosphere!.
Liz Dodwell hopes to be running for Aid for Romania, and as usual will be looking for sponsors!
North Beds Healing Group -
Wholeness and HealingDeanery Service of Wholeness and Healing Sunday June 10th at Felmersham Church.
This was a "One-off" service after a break of many months since the last Healing Service. It was modelled on a new service from Common Worship and was led by Revd. David Mason. About 20 people attended and we sat in a semi-circle in the Chancel. It was a very relaxed form of Evening Prayer and included two hymns, a Psalm, three readings and a short talk by David. Individual prayer with the laying-on of hands was offered to any who felt the need of it or who wished to seek prayer for a friend or relative who needed it. The service lasted less than an hour and most people stayed to talk to each other for some time afterwards. This is a service not just for sick people, it is an opportunity for quiet reflection and intercession for those in need.
It is hoped that further services will be arranged after a Lay Training Course is held in Bedford early next year.
Dennis Bannard-Smith
Forward in Healing course in Bedford
We still hope there will be a Basic Lay Training Course in the Ministry of Healing run over six weeks, early next year, at St Andrews Church in Bedford. This will be open to anyone interested from any denomination and deanery. Please contact us if you want to be kept informed or if you can help in any way. Also please tell us what day of the week is best or worst for your church.
Some Enigmas of Healing. Saturday November 3rd
Discussion Meeting at St Andrews Church, Kimbolton Road, Bedford.
Looking Way Ahead:
Please note the date for next years service at St. Albans: Saturday 9 February, 2002.
Celebration of Christian Healing in the context of the Eucharist.
Speaker: Dr Gareth Tuckwell, (until recently Medical Director at Burrswood)
Music by Face 2 Face.
This is a very special service so do try to get there. More details later.
The next meeting of the planning group is planned to take place at Watermead on Thursday July 26th at 7.45 for 8 pm.
Please check with Liz or David before you come.
For more information about the North Beds Healing Group or any of these meetings please contact Liz Dodwell at Watermead, 41 Odell Road, Harrold, Bedford MK 43 7DH (telephone 01234 720640 and e-mail: or Revd D Mason, 2A Devon Road, Bedford (telephone 01234 309737 or e-mail:`
Looking to Jesus"CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY " JOSHUA 24:15
If you want your life to glorify God and bless others today, here are seven choices you must make:
Choose love: No occasion justifies bitterness (1 Cor 13:3-8).
Choose joy: Since Gods directing your steps, resist the temptation to be negative or fearful (PS 37:23).
Choose patience: Instead of cursing the one who takes your place, invite him to do so. Instead of complaining that the wait is too long, be grateful for a moment to pray. (Rom 5: 3-4)
Choose kindness: Be kind to the poor, for often theyre alone. Be kind to the rich, for often theyre afraid. Be kind to the unkind, then youll understand how God treats you (Col 3:12).
Choose goodness: Be quicker to confess than to accuse, to be overlooked than to boast, to go without, than to accept anything dishonest (Isa 3:10).
Choose faithfulness: Keep your promises so that your creditors will regret their trust, your friends question your word and your family doubt your love (1 Cor 4:2).
Choose gentleness: Nothing is won by force. If you raise your voice, let it be in praise. If you clench your fist, let it be in prayer. If you make a demand, let it first be on yourself (Jas 3:17).
And if you succeed in living by these principles today, put your head on your pillow tonight and have a good nights sleep; you deserve it!
Taken with kind permission from "Word for Today" (United Christian Broadcasters) Tel: 01782 642000
UCB started off in a Christians flat , borrowing a desk and chair and a typewriter bought for $25 believing that " if you have the faith of a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible to you". In 1994 a semi-delapidated Hanchurch Christian Centre situated on the edge of Stoke on Trent was acquired and now with much effort and love- and faith Hanchurch is now in full swing, bring many people to know Jesus as their Lord.
United Christian Broadcasters are trying desperately to get permission to broadcast a Christian radio station. At the moment the government are making this impossible. They have an ongoing vision to provide the Gospel message to all generations, in a style that they will find interesting and education to their specific age group They need you help! They need you to remember them in prayer, and also need money to expand this super outreach. If you have read "Word for today" and heard or read of Bob Gass then I am sure you will agree and give this some thought.
The address is: United Christian Broadcaster Ltd PO Box 255 Stoke on Trent ST4 8YY
Amongst Ourselves:
Our dear sister Lin Samuels was called to be with The Lord on Friday 22nd June, and we send our love and heartfelt wishes to Tricia, Jonathan and family.
Lin had been unwell for some time, needing extra nursing care and was admitted to Avenue House three weeks prior to her death.
Lin loved her Lord, and the choice of hymns she liked proved this. Her smiling face has been missed since she last came to church, and although for some time her eye sight was failing her, this did not stop the warmth and love she had in her heart flowing to you. This same love shines through Tricia, Toby, Naomi, Rachel and Hannah. One of her favourite hymns was "When you walk with the Lord Trust and obey" and favourite chorus was "May Gods blessings go with you today, as you trust him and go on your way. May Gods present within guard and keep you from sin, go in peace, go in joy, go in love". We pray and believe that Lin is at peace, in heaven with her Lord and Saviour that she loved so much.
We praise The Lord for Lins life and all that she was as she lived her Christian life. We shall miss her, and pray that God in his infinite wisdom and caring love will surround all Lins family with his angels at this sad time.
We continue to think of all the sick and lonely and keep them in our prayers believing all things are possible, to those who believe!
Edie Surridge is still in Victoria Ward at South Wing and would welcome any visitors. Although she is progressing slowly after her stroke, time seems to drag on whilst being immobile.
Our love and prayers are with Chris Coffey at present in the Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham. Clare has suffered some time with problems concerning her leg and we trust now that the healing is taking place.
The fete, although somewhat down in numbers of people attending, was still a hub of enjoyment despite the thunderstorm and frequent rain showers that preceded it on Saturday morning. Many people were there: some of the London Boys Brigade came back to their old camp site from as far away as Peterborough, London and Suffolk. Well in to the afternoon the sun graced the field with its warming presence. Lots of hard work goes in to the fete - this year under the supervision of Tim and Liz Dodwell, with very many of our village people helping at various stalls.
On Sunday morning we enjoyed a simply moving service in the marquee, with our local musicians, led by Liz Lewis, playing for us, with Tim and Liz Dodwell leading us in a service that I am sure all enjoyed. The prayers were led by Phil and Liz Lewis and were based on "Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water". It was an uplifting, moving and spiritual time out in the open countryside as Jesus so would have taught!! It would be so good next year to see more of our local people attending. Come and be blessed!! In the meantime "Put YOUR hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water. Anne Turner
Festival Weekend Prayers
in the Scout FieldHere, by request, are some of the prayers that were shared with the congregation at the service following the fete:
"This morning we are going to use the words of a once well known hymn that actually hit the pop charts, but that is still relevant for us here and now.
To start, I want to read through the first verse and then we will use part of it as a response to the prayers that are to follow.
Put you hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water,
Put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea,
Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently
By putting your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee.
So let us take a look at ourselves so that we may, hand in hand with the man of Galilee, begin to pray for others.
Thank you Lord, Jesus that your hand is stretched out to hold ours even though we are often not worth walking alongside. Thank you that you love us warts and all, good, bad or indifferent.
Thank you, Lord, that in those times when we have known troubled waters, when the sea around us has appeared to be very rough and our boat about to sink that you have been there for us. Help us to remember your hand holding us rather than our own ability or desire to cope by ourselves.
So our prayers go outwards.
Thank you for all who helped in the preparation and the running of the fete yesterday. Thank you that despite the rain people came and had a good time.
As we remember our fete and the efforts made to raise money for the Church and to draw the people of the village together, so we also pray for the people of Bletsoe.
We bring to you those we know are especially in need of a helping hand. Those in the village who are elderly, or sick. Those of our friends who have a particular problem. Those of us who are feeling exhausted or wound up by the pressure of all that is going on. Those who have managed to escape on holiday. Those who are preparing for marriage. Those with the excitement of a new job or a new member of the family.
We bring to you those whose lives are broken as a result of the death of someone they love, or the breakdown of a relationship, or the loss of a job.
We bring ourselves where we are, looking forward with confidence that in your right hand is Salvation and security, and the love and support our souls desire.
Put your hand in the hand of the man who stills the water
Put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea,
Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently
By putting your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee"
Flower Rota
If anyone would like to do the flowers in church for a particular occasion or anniversary please contact Jill. (720261).
Thank You
Averil and Roger would like to thank everyone in the church for the lovely flowers and cards given to them on their Ruby Wedding. They were very much appreciated.
Our giving in July will be to CMS (Central Funds).
Proclaiming the gospel involves more than you think!
Ask anyone what is the first thing they think of when they hear the words 'proclaiming the gospel', and they will probably imagine a person standing on a street corner preaching loudly with a Bible in hand. Depending on your point of view, it is either a compelling or an amusing image. But the truth is that proclaiming the gospel involves a lot more. 'Gospel' language in Paul's letters covers a whole range of activities. People need to hear the gospel to become Christians at first, but they also need to hold on firmly to the gospel to grow in their faith and be part of congregations which are ready for the return of Christ.
CMS is committed to proclaiming the gospel through a wide range of ministries. Their fundamental motivation for proclaiming the gospel is to bring glory to God. It is the divine intention that on the final day 'at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father'.
Our Giving in August is to the Tiger Kloof School.
The Tiger Kloof School provides a Christian education and plays an important role in the much needed process of social integration in South Africa.
Mary of Bethanys Ointment.
This is a follow-up to the "Looking to Jesus" feature in the June issue of this magazine.
Break your alabaster box of ointment when people are alive!"
John ch. 12, Luke ch.7 v.37 (A.V.).
How can I show my love to Him?
How can I thank Him now?
No words can tell my praise enough
That other Mary broke her box of oil,
Her alabaster box of ointment to show her love
and thanks.
Shall I, too, break it now?
Break it now?
But I have saved this for His death.
My brother died we laid him in our tomb.
We poured sweet ointment out,
Martha and I.
Ointment we had made together
And put in alabaster jars,
With grief in our hearts never to see him again.
And I had thought, " Jesus will die;
He talks of death it must be near.
And I will keep this ointment for Him
And break it then!"
Break it now instead?
To show my love, my bursting heart of thanks,
My brother sitting here again
And listening too, to Jesus' words of love?
I'll break it now!
I'll break it now upon His Holy head and feet,
To show my thanks.
Perhaps that scent will cling,
Still cling around Him as He dies for sin.
I'll break it now.
I'll break it now!
The alabaster box of love and thanks,
Of praise for kindnesses received
From friends, from family,
Their thoughts for me, their sympathy,
Their years of quiet service
done for me, unasked.
How can I show my love to them?
Wait till too late, then put it into flowers, my grateful thanks?
Shall I not take my alabaster box of love
And break it now?
Doris Bannard-Smith
Lin Samuels
Lindley (Lin) Samuels died peacefully on Friday 22nd June after a short illness. Lin was born in London where she served in Fire Watch during the war and met and married Frederick Samuels. When their home was bombed, Lin went to live in Grafham, Cambs., where she continued with her war service working on the land as a War Ag. girl.
Lin and Freddie had three children, a son and two daughters. They moved to Bedfordshire where they lived for nearly thirty years.
Lin spent the last fifteen years of her life living with her daughter Tricia,
son-in-law Jonathan and their children in Odell. She joined in with many village
activities including Tea in the Tower and Meeting Point and was a faithful member of the
Church in Odell. When failing health prevented her from getting out to
activities, Lin delighted in the many visits from her village friends and always took a
lively interest in village news. Lin will always be remembered for her gentleness and kind
ways. She loved children and particularly delighted in her grand-children, who she
inspired by her love and understanding. She was endlessly patient and would never tire of
their company or of joining in with their games. Lin loved music and the arts and for her,
singing and writing poetry with her children and grand-children was as natural as
breathing. Lins warm, quiet, gentle manner and her endless capacity for giving love
made her home a refuge, not just for her grand-children but for all the family and friends
and neighbours; she was an anchor-point. Everybody loved Lin it is a
great tribute to her that people of all ages thought of her as their friend. She will be
very sorely missed but will live on in our hearts. We rejoice that she is now at peace
with her Lord whom she loved and served all her life.
Lin and son Fred during a recent visit from Canada
Birthday greetings to:
Jonathan Sykes who will be 11 on 15th August and to everyone else who has a birthday in July or August.
June Baptism Nicholas James Peverell
The baptism of Nicholas James Peverell took place on Sunday July 1st in the church. A smiling baby Nicholas was surrounded by family and many friends and the church was full of the happy chatter of little children.
June Wedding Jeni Dodwell and David Trice
Despite a short, sharp shower at 2.15pm, the sun shone for the wedding of Jeni Dodwell and David Trice on June 30th at 2.30pm.
Click here for more wedding pics
Odell Village Fete 16th June 2001
Fete news is on the July Village Page
July Diary
3rd 10.30am Meeting Point Lunch. Venue Tba.
10th Ruskin Infants to Odell.
14th 2.30pm Garden Party in aid of Corner Club, Old School House, Souldrop.
18th 7.45pm PCC Meeting The Rectory.
26th 7.45pm North Beds Healing Group Meeting, Watermead.
25th 7.30pm Bedford Morris Dancers outside the Bell.
25th 28th "Smike", Sharnbrook Mill Theatre.
2nd 12.00 noon Exemption Dog Show, Riverside Grounds, Sharnbrook Mill.
5th 10.30am Meeting Point, Eileen Shakespeares, Corner House,
38 Wymington Park, Rushden.
11th 7.30pm W.I., Village Hall.
15th 3.00pm Harrold Pit Run.
2.00pm Lower & Middle School & Wheelchair Races.
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the September 2001 magazine to Tricia Hudson (, Anne Turner or Catherine Corkery by August 12th at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.
electronic mail address