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May 2014
Dear Friends,
We read in the Gospels and the book of Acts that after his resurrection and before his ascension, the risen Jesus met with his disciples a number of times, and on at least one such occasion, gave them this command:
“wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about …”
A time of waiting is never easy. It is unsettling because all the known certainties of the past just don’t have the same relevance anymore – they are already changing into history. We know something new is just around the corner, but we can’t fully perceive it yet, we can’t hold it or build on it, because it has not yet happened, it is still future.
I’m in just such a time at the moment as we wait for our house in Bedford to be sold, freeing up the money with which to buy the house David and I plan to retire to. For any of us, waiting to hear about a new job, a new home, a new baby, or some other change which will significantly affect our life but is not yet realised, is always a testing time. It’s hard not to be impatient and the temptation to try and force the action, to make things happen, is strong. We want this strange time of disconnected-ness to pass quickly, so we can feel more certain, more comfortable again.
Peter and the other disciples became frustrated with this time of waiting, and not knowing how to handle it, returned to something they knew best - fishing. There is much to be said for this. Our ordinary everyday routine can provide some reassurance and stability during a time of waiting and uncertainty. And it was in this ordinary and everyday activity that they discovered once again, that Jesus was among them, this time preparing breakfast for them on the beach (you can read about it in John’s Gospel Chapter 21). This was that very special and crucial meeting when Peter (who had previously disowned his Lord) was re-instated and re-commissioned to be the leader of the church which was yet to emerge.
Still more waiting to come though, this time in Jerusalem, as Jesus’s followers gathered to celebrate the Jewish feast of Pentecost, still waiting for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit… and then at last, the gift was given…and the rest, as they say, is history!
In our own waiting times, in all the uncertainty and anticipation of what may lie ahead, don’t let’s wish this time away, for it is precisely here that we can discover a God-given opportunity to reflect on what really matters in our lives. With the old certainties and boundaries about to disappear, and the future unknown, we can now see more truly on who or what we depend. That memorable day on the beach, Peter discovered and knew for certain at last, that the crucified and risen Jesus forgave him, loved him, and looked for his love and trust in return. Christine.
Prayer Group
What is the Prayer Group? It is made up of members of All Saints’ Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support.
Who do we pray for? Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us.
What do we pray about? Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness. You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam. Any information will be treated in strictest confidence.
How can you let us know if you would like us to pray for you? You can telephone Christine (720234), drop a note through the Rectory door or send an e-mail to
All Saints’ Amblers meet outside the Bell, 9.45am on Saturday 17th for a walk in the country followed by a pub lunch. Children and dogs on leads welcome to join us.
Meeting Point
7th 10.30am at Eileen Nottage’s, Heydown, High St., Odell.
21st 10.30am at Christine’s, The Rectory, Church Lane.
4th TBA
All Saints’ Church Charitable Giving for the month of May
is to The Church Pastoral Aid Society, which offers valuable training and a wide range of resources for clergy and lay people, in evangelism, youth work, mission and ministry, runs Young Peoples’ holiday clubs and offers Parish Consultations. See the notice board in the church for more information.
Odell Fete 2014: Saturday 14th June
keep the date free for this wonderful chance to celebrate our community.
This year
we are going to remember the Odell of 1914, to commemorate the men who left for
war and not just those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, but also those that
returned changed for life by the horrendous experiences that they had been
If you have any historical details, pictures, photos or paper cuttings of the
men who went to war, or anything to do with the village at that time, would you
share them with us? The fete committee would like to have a display at this
year’s fete to show what Odell was like as a village and as a community. We
want to tell the story of people living in the village as a well as trying to
tell the story of the men who left for war.
If you do have anything that you would like included please contact The Rev'd
Christine Clark, The Rectory, Church Lane, Odell, 01234 720234
or Mandy Hinds, 7 Horsefair lane, Odell, 01234 720414
We want to give a view of the village in 1914 using research and village
histories as well as personal stories, and to remember the men who left for war
and experiences so far from what they had known. We would like to take this
opportunity to " Remember” them.
Odell Village Fete and Dog Show
Saturday 14th June 2014, 2pm
Remembering the Odell of 1914
(In the Scout field, Horsefair Lane, Odell)
Entry: Adults £1.50, Children Free
2.00 pm Grand Opening
2.00-4.00pm Dog Show
4.00 pm Raffle Draw and Prize Giving
Bedford Brass Band, Boys’ Brigade, Bouncy Castle, Teas, Pimm’s, Children’s Sports, Tombola, Ice Creams, Cakes, Books, Refreshments, Bottle Stall, Coconut Shy, White Elephant, Produce, Gifts, Raffle
(entry fee - £1 50 per dog per class)Classes:
1. Children’s Handling (14 years and under)
2. Puppies under 1 year
3. Country Sporting Dog
4. Country Sporting Bitch
5. Best Condition Dog or Bitch
6. Best Rescue Re-home Dog
7. Best Rescue Re-home Bitch
8. Best Cross Breed Dog
9. Best Cross Breed Bitch
10. Dog or Bitch with Most Appealing Eyes
11. Most Handsome Dog
12. Most Handsome Bitch
Championship (winners of each class)
Car park attendants are on duty at the field opposite The Bell public house. Disabled parking next to Scout Field
11.00 AM in the Main Tent at the Fete Field
ODELL FETE AND DOG SHOW: Getting involved
It is hard to imagine a summer without the annual Fete and Family Dog Show, but if it is to continue we do need HELP with getting it ready.
The first date to put in your diary is Fete Preparation morning at 10.00am on Monday, 5th May hosted by Jim and Doreen at Linden House, when we clean and repaint the signs for the stalls and side shows and prepare the roadside boards. Then we reward ourselves with a tasty BBQ. Please bring your own meat and wine. Please let Doreen (720358) or Jane Eshelby (01933 410959) know if you wish to stay for lunch and what you would like to provide in the way of salads or puddings
The big preparation will be in the afternoon of Friday, 13th June. If you can manage to come anytime between 2.00 and 7.30pm to lend a hand, you will be most welcome. We shall need to collect tents, tables, chairs and stall signs and set these all up in the Scout Field down Horsefair Lane ready for the big day. We need muscle, a good sense of humour, wheels and trailers and tea and cake will be provided.
Mandy (720414) or Christine (720234) await your call.
Christian Aid Week
11th – 17th May 2014
Everyone deserves a decent life.
Christian Aid has a vision – an end to poverty – and we believe that vision can become a reality.
Our Purpose:
To expose the scandal of poverty
To help in practical ways to root it out from the world
To challenge and change structures and systems that favour the rich and powerful over the poor and marginalised.
Christian Aid exists to help those in need – regardless of religion, ethnicity or nationality.
In these poor communities Christian Aid invests in projects that provide benefits for years to come.
If you have not received an envelope please see Jill Cheadle at Rectory Farm, Tel. 720261, if you would like one, and return it to her as soon as possible.
David Payne, 12th
October 1931 – 8th
March 2014
David Payne died peacefully on 8th March at the age of 82. He was Rector of Odell and Vicar of Pavenham from 1973 until 1978, and he will be remembered by many in the village, together with his late wife, Ann, and his children, Alison and Richard.
His funeral was held on 1st April at St Mary’s Church, Burwell, where he had lived in a retirement home for the last few years of his life. David was a devoted follower of cricket and his coffin was decorated with a printed, panoramic scene of a village cricket match, in full colour. The eulogy was given by his son, Richard, and followed David’s life from London, near to Lord’s Cricket ground, hence his love of cricket, through his school-time and evacuation from London during the war. After the war he did his national service with the Durham Light Infantry in Egypt, where he was appointed as Officer in charge of catering, despite his total inability to cook. After national service he studied botany and zoology at Cambridge before taking a teaching post at Marlborough College. He gave up teaching following a period of depression and, after a period of time in Lee Abbey, was ordained in 1963. In 1964 he was visiting a parishioner in hospital and met a staff nurse, Annice. In his own words…’I went to hospital, and took a turn for the nurse’. He married Ann in 1964.
David was a great humourist, and anyone who knew him will not forget his dreadful jokes and puns; they were part of his character. Many examples of his practical jokes and escapades made his funeral service a real entertainment; he would have been delighted with his send-off, so appropriately on April the first. Martin Eshelby
Deanery Ascension Service
A Deanery Service will be held to celebrate the Ascension, on Thursday 29th May at 7.30pm, at St Mary’s Church, Carlton. This will feature members of choirs from across the Sharnbrook Deanery. The preacher will be the Venerable Paul Hughes, Archdeacon of Bedford.
Summer Holiday Club
Advance notice that Summer Holiday Club for 5 – 11 year olds will be held from Monday 4th to Friday 8th August 2014, each morning at the United Reformed Church, Harrold. Details and application forms will be available nearer the time, but do put the dates in your diary so that you are free for this very popular event!
If you would be willing to help as an adult or teenage helper and have not done so before, please contact Church House Office 368564 – we shall be delighted to hear from you.
Seniors’ Holiday Club
This will be held from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd August and will be a variety of events for people of retirement age. We shall be grateful to hear from people who would like to help with planning this event – please phone Jane Fox (720262) or Sally Bailey (368564)
Are you a Carer?
The Churches Together Pastoral Group has held several tea parties for carers living in the villages. These have been appreciated by those who came. We plan to hold similar events in future – if you are a carer and would like to come, but have not received an invitation, please let us know by contacting Jean Saul (01234 720407) or Sally Bailey (368564).
Bedding Plants for Sale
Geraniums, begonias, salvias, petunias, lobelias, busy lizzies, tobacco plants and cosmos flower plants for sale along with tomato plants, cucumber plants and other vegetable plants.
Proceeds to All Saints’ Church.
Orders welcome
Jill Cheadle 720261
Commemorating World War 1
As a nation we will be remembering this war and all its consequences from now until the 100th anniversary of the Armistice in 2018. The announcement that this country was at war came on the 4th August 1914, and in memory of that occasion I shall be holding a vigil service in All Saints’ Church on 3rd August, using material that has been specially written for the occasion.
On looking at the list of men from Odell who lost their lives in WW1, I realise how little we know about them now. So, if you know anything at all about these men, or about other people in Odell who were affected by WW1 in different ways, both those who remained at home, as well as those who served away, please do get in contact with me. I hope that we can piece together a fuller picture of that time, and the people who experienced those years, and perhaps put together a display for public viewing.
The names of the fallen in WW1 who were from Odell are:
William Barker
Crewe Alston Coles
Rowland Humphrey Coles
William Darlow
Albert Headland
Frederick Hunt
Kenneth Stewart
Clarke Wesley
All Saints’ Flower Rota
4th Rachel Halton
Jill Cheadle
18th Carol Ormond
3rd – 5th10am Wildlife Trust Stand HOCP
5th 10am Fete Preparation Day
7th 10.30am Meeting Point at Eileen Nottage’s, Heydown, High St.
8th 10.30am Health Walk, HOCP
13th 7.30pm WI AGM, Village Hall
16th 7.30pm Blood Wedding, Village Hall
17th 9.45am All Saints’ Amblers meet at The Bell
19th 10am Friends Tasks Day, HOCP
21st 10.30am Meeting Point, The Rectory
22nd 10.30am Health Walk, HOCP
25th 11am Mini Woodwork Demonstrations, HOCP
29th 7.30pm Deanery Ascension Service, St. Mary’s, Carlton
5th 10.30am Health Walk, HOCP
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the June 2014 magazine to Tricia Hudson (ed at or Catherine Corkery by May 12th at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.