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Easter Sunday - March 31st
10.30am Easter Communion (a service for all ages)
Dear Friends,
Most of you will receive your copy of this magazine during Holy Week, the days when Christians throughout the world reflect on Jesus’ final journey to the cross. If it’s true of politics that ‘a lot can change in a week’ how much more is it true of the extraordinary events that began with Palm Sunday. After that exuberant procession through the streets of Jerusalem, with Jesus riding towards his destiny on a donkey while the crowds waved their palm branches and sang their hearts out, the darkness closes in. But in the darkness the light still shines, as we recall those intimate moments with his disciples as the bread and wine of their shared Passover meal takes on a startling new significance.
As we share in the broken bread and wine outpoured today, we reach back through time to touch and be a part of that simple action which points us to a future hopeIn many ways, not just the weather, it has been a dark and difficult winter. Many could be forgiven for being tempted to despair for the human race and for our global future. Into this darkness the message of the cross and resurrection shines out, inviting us into a renewed confidence, a restored hope and the assurance of Christ’s continuing presence with us. It demonstrates that precisely at a time of breakdown, God can and does break through, often in surprising and unexpected ways.
Is belief in the resurrection just a nice idea? If so, it can be written off as bland wishful thinking. But from the witness of those first disciples, to the countless millions of people, who, by putting their faith in the risen Jesus, have known their lives to be transformed – and who have gone on to transform the lives of others – we see strong evidence of God at work in the world.
It’s still the same old world with all its pains and agonies, but now we can see things from a different point of view. Suffering and death are still part of our human existence, but the love poured out on the cross and the glorious power of the resurrection point to other realities, and open up new dimensions for us to explore.
May the joy and hope of Easter take root in our hearts and give direction to our lives, now and always. Christine
Married at Odell Church 22nd Feb 1947 Frank and Muriel celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary on Howard ward Bedford hospital. We are delighted that Muriel has now come home and send them congratulations and best wishes from friends and neighbours.
Prayer Group
What is the Prayer Group? It is made up of members of All Saints’ Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support.
Who do we pray for? Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us.
What do we pray about? Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness. You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam. Any information will be treated in strictest confidence.
How can you let us know if you would like us to pray for you? You can either telephone Christine (720234), or drop a note through the Rectory door. Christine
See this month's village news for more about the Fish and Chip Lunch
All Saints’ Church, Odell
The annual Meeting of Parishioners for the purpose of electing Churchwardens, will take place in All Saints’ Church, Odell
on Tuesday 30th April at 7.30pm.
(all members on the Church Electoral Roll and residents of the parish of Odell may attend)
This will be followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting at 7.45pm for the purpose of
· electing 6 representatives to the Parochial Church Council
· appointing sidesmen
· appointing an Independent Examiner or Auditor.
· receiving reports on the proceedings of the Church and Deanery Synod for the year 2010.
Following the APCM there will be a brief meeting of the newly elected PCC to elect a Treasurer.
Wine and light refreshments will be served after the meetings.
Important changes in the Church
For centuries our church in Odell has been at the heart of village life. Countless people have passed through its doors to worship, be baptised, married, or be remembered in a funeral service and buried in our peaceful churchyard. We have been very fortunate to have our own minister, living in the village and always there for us. Times and circumstances have changed; the churches are under pressure and there are fewer ministers, and higher costs. Over the next few years important and necessary changes will have to be implemented, which will affect our church along with all the others in the North Bedfordshire District. If you wish to hear more about these changes, and would like to have a chance to express your views, then it is important that you come to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Tuesday 30th April at 7.45pm, in All Saints’ Church.
Odell Fete and Family Dog Show
Saturday 8th June 2013
This year’s fete will be held on June 8th with all the usual attractions including this year a ‘Best Decorated Cup Cake’ Competition—more details in the May magazine.
CAN YOU COME ALONG to the Fete Preparation Day at 10.00am on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May? This will take place at Jim and Doreen Wheeler’s, Linden House, High Street, Odell. This is always a fun morning, when we clean and, re paint the banners, the signs for the stalls and side shows and prepare the roadside boards. Then there will be a B-B-Q for helpers; please bring your own meat and drink. Please let Doreen (720358) or Jane Smith (721214) know if you wish to stay for lunch and what you would like to provide in the way of salads and puddings.
We need your HELP to make the Fete and Dog show a great success. We need people to man stalls and side shows, run the raffle and sell tickets. We can always find a job for willing volunteers. This is a fun day and a great village event to which people come from all over to enjoy a family day out in our lovely village and surrounding North Bedfordshire countryside; BUT we do need your help.
We also ask for your help with setting up the Fete on the afternoon or evening of Friday, 7th June. If you can manage to come anytime between 2.00 and 7.30pm to lend a hand, you will be most welcome. We shall need to collect tents, tables, chairs and stall signs and set up the field for the big day. We need muscle, a good sense of humour, wheels and trailers and tea and cake will be provided.
Mandy (720414), Christine (720234) or Karen (720952) await your call
Festival Weekend Family Service, Sunday, 9th June
11.00am in the Main Tent at the Fete Field
Everybody Welcome
All Saints’ Amblers meet outside The Bell, 9.45am on Saturday 20th April for a walk in the country followed by a pub lunch. Children and dogs on leads welcome to join us.
Saints’ Church Charitable Giving for the month of April
is to FEBA,
(Far Eastern Broadcasting
Associates) - a radio station which began in 1959 and makes and broadcasts
Christian programmes in dozens of different languages, reaching Christians who
would otherwise have little contact with the outside world. Today FEBA
broadcasts on FM and medium wave radio, the internet, text messaging and social
media – each has its own use and own target audience.
The message FEBA delivers is that “The love of Christ addresses all areas of people’s lives:
emotional, spiritual and physical…There are programmes on health education and disease-prevention; young believers gain strength through online discipleship courses; locals speak out against corruption…Everywhere people turn to God. Lives are changed; communities transformed. Love in action.”
For more information about the work of FEBA see the notice board in All Saints’ Church.
Can Anyone Help?
Recently, our Parish Clerk, received this letter from Roger Greener requesting help in tracking down his ancestor. If anyone can help with any information regarding the Guess family please would you send it to me (Tricia Hudson) at the magazine email address: ed at , and I will pass it on to Roger.
Dear Parish Clerk
I am researching my family history and believe that my grandmother may have been a member of your parish. Her name is Rebecca Guess and on 09-APR 1798 she was married to Thomas Pack of Hamlet Ashton from the parish of Oundle. The records I have say they were married in Odell Bedfordshire and nothing more. I am writing to see if you have a policy in place to help with any type of family research, or asking to see if you could or would help me track down information regarding the Guess Family. The only person in this family I know of is Rebecca Guess her birthday is about 1770 in Rushden Northamptonshire and her marriage was as stated above.
If you can help me in any way I would be very appreciative, even if it is providing contacts that might be able to help. Roger Greener
All Saints’ Flower Rota
6th All help to clear from Easter
14th Margaret Jones
28th Sarah Bennett
Catherine Corkery
28th 6.00pm Village Hall, Passover Supper
29th 11.00am Service on Harrold Green
2-3pm Service of meditation, St Mary’s, Carlton
31st 10.30am All Saints’, Easter Communion
1st 10-12am Easter Egg Hunt, HOCP
1-3pm “ “ “ “
2.30pm Café in the Tower
3rd 10.30am Meeting Point, Jane Smith’s, Horsefair Lane
9th 7.30pm W.I., Village Hall
11th 10.30am HOCP Health Walk
17th 10.30am Meeting Point at Catherine’s, Manor Cottage, High St., Harrold
20th 9.45am All Saints’ Amblers meet at The Bell
23rd 7.30pm St George’s Day Celebrations in the Bell
25th 10.30am HOCP Health Walk
29th 10.00am HOCP Friends’ Tasks Day
30th 7.30pm All Saints’, Annual Meeting of Parishioners
7.45pm “ “ Annual Parochial Church Meeting
1st 10.30am Meeting Point at Jill’s, Rectory Farm, Odell.
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the May 2013 magazine to Tricia Hudson (ed at or Catherine Corkery by April 12th at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.