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CHURCH NEWS - July/August 2010

See Village News Page for pictures of Odell Fete


Jim Jones 28th Feb 1944 - 16th July 2010

Jim Jones sadly died on July 16th. He was one of the first ever organic farmers - he  transformed Yelnow Farm - see  An uplifting service of thanksgiving was held for him in Odell Church on Thursday 29th January where daughter Katherine Sinclair, Frank Kenna and AdrianMitchell made moving tributes to his energy, patience and positive nature.  He will be dearly remembered.


                                                                                                                         July 2010

Dear Friends, 

After church on a Sunday morning, there’s nothing I like better than to relax with a good cup of coffee in a comfortable chair, along with the latest copy of the Church Times.  I enjoy the cartoons, the book reviews and letters pages.  Although I sometimes despair when I read about some of the muddles the church gets itself into, I usually find plenty of inspiring stories too, about faithful people inside the church and outside of it, work at living out their faith in practical ways. 

Recently I came across the headline - ‘Secular academics now back faith for well-being’ and intrigued, I read on.

Back in the 1970’s social researchers found that although having sufficient income to cover our basic needs removes immediate worries, having loads of money or possessions doesn’t lead to happiness.  For that we need the “Big Seven” – a good family life, strong friendships and community, satisfying work, good health (especially mental) the ability to participate in decision-making, and a strong purposeful philosophy of life. 

In the last century our national well-being was measured in terms of the Gross National Product (ie.on an economic basis), but today national and international bodies are realising that a sense of personal and social well-being is just as vital to a nation’s health and prosperity.  Secular scholars in sociology, psychology and economics, backed up by research amongst Christians, Muslims and Hindus, now recognise that religion is good for you, and good for the community too. 

Believing in a transcendent reality greater than ourselves, through whom we can find forgiveness, hope and transformation increases our well-being physically, mentally and spiritually.  Maintaining an ongoing relationship with God through worship and meditation not only makes us happier, but improves our coping mechanisms, our lifestyle, health, relationships, and life expectancy.  People in faith communities enjoy greater social support and networking, are likely to be more actively involved in decision making, volunteering and giving to charity – spreading the benefit even wider. 

So – want to improve your well-being?

Between 22nd and 27th August the church will be left open each day for you to come in and enjoy a time of quiet reflection or prayer – or why not try the ‘Songs of Praise’ service on 15th August?  Also I’m thinking about running a course covering the basic Christian beliefs one morning a week, from September through to November, so let me know if you would like to know more.


  The Prayer Group 

What is the Prayer Group?  It is made up of members of All Saints’ Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support.   

Who do we pray for?  Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us.   

What do we pray about?  Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness.  You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam.  Any information will be treated in strictest confidence. 

How can you let us know if you would like us to pray for you?  You can either telephone Christine (720234), or drop a note through the Rectory door, or complete a card (anonymously if you wish) and place it in a box kept near the church door.  Prayer requests will be collected from the box each Sunday morning after the 10.00am service.


 All Saints’ Amblers meet outside the Bell, 9.45am on Saturday 17th July for a walk in the country followed by a pub lunch.  Children and dogs on leads welcome to join us.

Fete Teas

I would like to thank everybody who made cakes for the tea tent at the fete.  They just appear without me asking and I am never sure who has made them, so I feel rather bad that I am unable to thank people personally. 

Our visitors are very complimentary about the cakes and the choice they get and we made over £300.  So, many thanks to you all. 

Doreen Wheeler and the tea ladies.


Meeting Point


7th 10.30am at Doris’s, Goodly Heritage, The Bury, Pavenham.


8th 10.30am at Catherine’s, Manor Cottage, Harrold.

There will be no meeting in August.

Our Giving in July is to ‘Open Doors’,

an Evangelical Society which  supports the persecuted church and Christians worldwide, providing Bibles and teaching materials, training for church leaders and practical and financial help.  It also initiates and supports literacy programmes and community development projects. 

Our giving in August is to Mercy Ships,  an American Christian charity which provides free operations and sends teams of dentists to local hospitals in impoverished parts of the world.  It gives talks to local villages about AIDS and develops teaching projects and projects aimed at helping women in these areas to help themselves.  It is also responsible for the building of new schools and orphanages and gives follow-up nursing for ex-patients.

All who work on these ships contribute financially. 

Please give generously to these two very worthwhile charities. 

Songs of Praise Sunday 15th August

We welcome the congregations of St.Mary’s Carlton, St.Peter’s Harrold, Harrold United Reform Chapel and other friends, to a united ‘Songs of Praise’ service at 10.00am.  Refreshments served afterwards. 

All Saints’ Church open for Prayer and Reflection.

All Saints Church will be open for quiet reflection and private prayer from 9.30am to 8.30pm from 22nd to the 27th August.  Drop in for as little or as long as you want, for peace and stillness.  There will be prayer stations around the church to help you focus your thoughts, or just use the space and the time in your own way.

A Thank you from Walter and Eileen Nottage

We would like to thank everyone who sent cards, kept in touch, ran errands for us and took me to hospital appointments whilst I have been recovering from my hip operation.  I am pleased to report I am getting about much better.  Thank you all.

Eileen Nottage

A Concert with The Alan Johnson Singers

The Alan Johnson Singers lived up to their promise to give us a sparkling evening's entertainment on 22nd May.  Not only did they look gorgeous, dressed in shades of lilac for the first half, then flame red, but the singing -solos, duets and chorus - was of the highest standard, delivered with passion and panache.  Their lively and varied programme included old and new, opera and songs from the shows, sacred and humourous - the time went all too quickly!  A not-to-be-missed event when they hopefully return. 

Café in the Tower

Chill out over the August Bank Holiday weekend – call in to ‘Café-in-the-Tower’ at All Saints Church between 2.30 and 5.30pm on 28th, 29th, & 30th August  to sample a delicious range of cakes and cookies to go with your favourite cuppa.  If you’re feeling fit, climb to the top of the tower for great views over the lovely Ouse valley.

Congatulations to Eileen Nottage  on receiving an Award for Long Service to The British Legion.   

Eileen has undertaken the annual ‘Poppy’ collection in the North Bedfordshire Area for forty years.  Her unstinting service was recognised when Eileen was awarded a thirty year badge and two five year bars by Ro Haggerwood, County Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator, and Robin Grove, Clapham Poppy Organiser, at a recent gathering of Meeting Point in May. 


Art and Craft Sale and Exhibition

at Carlton Village Hall

Saturday 17th July 10.00am - 5.00pm

Sunday 18th July 12.00 - 5.00pm

Entrance £1.00

Refreshments and light lunches

from 12 noon both days.

In aid of St Mary's Church, Carlton. 

All Saints’ Flower Rota


4th Jill Cheadle

11th Nikki Freeman

18th Sue Robinson

25th Margaret Jones


1st Faith Hartwell

8th Jane Eshelby

15th Georgina Harrison

22nd Catherine Corkery

29th Eileen Shakespeare



7th 10.30am Meeting Point at Doris’s, Goodly Heritage, The Bury, Pavenham.

8th 10.30am Health Walk HOCP.

10th 2.00pm All Saints’ Church Open Day

10th 7.00pm Village Barbecue, Village Hall.

11th 2.00pm All Saints’ Church Open Day.

13th 7.00pm WI meet at Odell Village Hall.

17th 9.45am All Saints’ Amblers meet at The Bell.

17th 10.00am Art and Craft Sale, Carlton Village Hall.

17th 7.30pm Village Quiz, Village Hall.

18th 12.00 Art and Craft Sale, Carlton Village Hall.

22nd 10.30am Health Walk HOCP.

24th 11.00am Love Your Park Day HOCP.

26th 10.00am Conservation Tasks Day HOCP.


5th 10.30am Health Walk HOCP.

15th 10.00am Songs of Praise Service, All Saints, Church.

19th 10.30am Health Walk HOCP.

22nd 9.30am All Saints’ Church open for prayer and meditation.

23rd 10.00am Conservation Tasks Day, HOCP.

23rd-27th9.30am All Saints’ Church open for prayer and meditation.

28th, 2.30pm Café in the Tower, All Saints’ Church.

29th, 30th. “ “ “ “ “ “


2nd 10.30am Health Walk, HOCP

2nd 7.45pm Bat Walk, HOCP


Magazine Deadline

Please send all entries for the September 2010 magazine to Tricia Hudson (mag1 at or Catherine Corkery by August 12th at the latest.  May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted.  Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.



Last revised: July 31, 2010.