CHURCH NEWS - April 2010
April 2010
Dear Friends,
As the country prepares for a General Election I have to confess I get rather weary of all the mudslinging that goes on between the different parties. Yes, it is right that those with responsibility of government are held accountable for their decisions and actions, but the present culture of digging the dirt at every opportunity is neither enlightening nor inspiring. The truth is that the task of government is an immensely difficult and complex affair, with a multitude of influences, both national and international, that have a bearing on the outcome.
One of the earliest accounts in the Bible is of Adam blaming Eve, and Eve blaming the serpent for their decision to disobey God’s rule. And ever since, it seems to be part of our human nature to look for someone else to blame, to run away from admitting our own culpability. We all make mistakes, we all mess up in some way or another, some more than others – and we are aware of it, and need to find a solution, a way to put things right again.
In Biblical times it was the Jewish custom to solemnly confess sins once a year on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur in modern Judaism). Clothed in white linen, the high priest would confess his own sins, the sins of the priests, the sins of the people, and then enter the holy of holies in the Temple - the only day this was allowed - to sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice and offer incense. The priest then sent a goat (the scapegoat) into the wilderness to symbolically carry all those sins away.
In Jesus’ time, the religious authorities were greatly disturbed by his teaching and miracles and their effect on the people, fearing that it would attract unwelcome attention from their Roman rulers that could end in disaster. Swayed by the high priest Caiaphas, who advised It is better that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish (John 11 v.50). they began looking for an opportunity to do away with him.
The Gospel writer observes that, albeit unknowingly, Caiaphas was indeed prophesying that through the death of Jesus, God was providing his own sacrifice for sin, a way for all of us who confess our sins to him to find forgiveness and reconciliation. That is the great story of Easter – a story that begins with Jesus’ offering of himself, in love, for our sakes and ends with the transforming joy and hope of the resurrection and all the possibilities of a new beginning.
The Prayer Group
What is the Prayer Group? It is made up of members of All Saints’ Church who undertake to pray regularly, on an individual basis, for people who ask us for prayer support.
Who do we pray for? Anyone whom we are asked to remember; these might be people from our church, from our local community or others known to us.
What do we pray about? Anything which you would like brought before God; maybe anxiety due to illness, stress or loneliness. You can also tell us of a special day you wish to be remembered – perhaps for an interview or an exam. Any information will be treated in strictest confidence.
How can you let us know if you would like us to pray for you? You can either telephone Christine (720234), or drop a note through the Rectory door, or complete a card (anonymously if you wish) and place it in a box kept near the church door. Prayer requests will be collected from the box each Sunday morning after the 10.00am service.
All Saints’ Amblers - if you would enjoy a walk in the country followed by a pub lunch, do join us on our next walk on Saturday 17th April – meet at 9.45am outside The Bell.Transport available if required.
A MEETING OF PARISHIONERS – to elect churchwardens, and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting to elect PCC members will take place in All Saints’ Church at 8.00pm and 8.15pm consecutively on Wednesday 28th April. Everyone who resides in the village is welcome to attend. Annual reports on the various activities of the church will be presented, along with the church accounts and an updated copy of the church electoral roll. Light refreshments will be served at the end of the meeting.
All Saints Tea-Point & Toilet Project
It was an exciting moment on Wednesday 10th March when after being connected to the mains, water gushed through the pipes for the first time! After many years of carrying bottles of water into church it’s wonderful to know that now we just have to turn on the tap. At the time of writing the work is nearing completion and by the time you read this it should be all finished.
We are delighted that the Rt.Rev’d Richard Inwood, Bishop of Bedford has agreed to be our speaker at a special service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for the new facilities. A light lunch will be served following the service, which will be at 11.00am on Sunday 16th May. We do hope that as many of you as possible will be able to join us on that occasion.
Sharing in Communal Worship
The other day I met a lady who said to me “Why do you go to church? You are only listening to what you already know.” How sad is that?
We grow everyday in faith and like a plant we need tending, watering and feeding. Yes, we can worship alone and my experience of that for many years was kind of o.k. Yet it was nothing like the cherished feeling of singing God’s praises and sharing communal forgiveness of sins, praying and, most of all, sharing in His Body and Blood at the communion table: what a shared joy, delight and one of God’s given treasures to us earthlings!
Sarah Bennett
Meeting Point
14th 10.30am at Doris’s, Goodly Heritage, The Bury, Pavenham.
28th 10.30am at Eileen’s, 24 Church Hall Road, Rushden.
Rural Affairs Group of General Synod, March 2010
Some suggested questions on rural policy for General Election hustings meetings
These questions are intended to give a general outline on five specific issues, which can be underpinned with relevant local examples.
Food and farming
Is financial support necessary for farmers in the UK in order to produce more food from a smaller land area in a more sustainable way; and if not what other steps would you in Government take to encourage more food production?
Rural disadvantage
What will you do to address rural deprivation that is dispersed, difficult to identify and costly to rectify?
Access to services
With an increasingly elderly rural population how will you make public and community services universally accessible, with the appropriate funding to deliver them?
Affordable housing
Despite the initiatives to provide affordable housing in rural areas, household incomes are often still not high enough to be able to purchase an ‘affordable home’. What do you propose to do to ensure that rural communities are sustainable in the medium and long term?
Rural churches
How as an MP would you work with the local churches (or faith communities), that combined have a presence in every (rural) community and the largest number of volunteers?
HELP will be needed to set up fete stalls on the afternoon of Friday 11th June, and then dismantle everything after the fete has ended on Saturday 12th. Please come and join in!
Festival Weekend Family Service Sunday June 13th
11.00am in the Main Tent at the Fete Field
Painting of signs etc. for the fete will take place at Jim and Doreen Wheeler’s, Linden House, High Street, Odell, on Monday 3rd May from 10.00am.
There will be a lunch time bar-b-q for helpers – please let Doreen know (720358) or Jane (01933 410959) if you wish to stay for this. Bring your own meat. Salad and puddings will be provided.
Tea Point and Toilet Fund Raising
Suttons Seeds Catalogues are now available from Jill Cheadle, tel. 01234 720261.
A percentage of the sales profit will be given to the Tea Point and Toilet Block Fund.
There will be a Coffee Morning at Rectory Farm on Saturday May 15th from 10.30am in aid of the Tea Point Appeal. Bedding plants and tomato plants will be on sale; there will be a Bring and Buy and a Raffle. Everybody welcome. If anyone has 3” or 4” pots to spare I would appreciate some. Jill Cheadle
The non-threatening medium of radio provides a unique opportunity for hundreds to learn of the way of life which can free them from the shackles of a religion which offers no hope. Making and broadcasting programmes in dozens of different languages is time consuming and costly. Please give what you can so more people can hear the Good News.
All Saints’ Flower Rota
3rd Decorate for Easter
10th All help to clear
18th Roberta Goodman
25th Lynette Hall
Happy birthday to…
Rebecca Causton on the 3rd ,
Tania Fulford on the 5th , and to everyone with a birthday in April.
March Holy Week Services
29th 8.00pm Pieces of Silver - St.Peter’s Church, Harrold
30th 8.00pm A Bottle of Perfume – All Saints’ Church, Odell
31st 8.00pm The Cock Crows – St.Mary’s Church, Carlton
1st 10.30am HOCP Health Walk
1st 6.30pm Agape Supper, Harrold United Reform Church
2nd 10.30, 1.30 Easter Egg Quiz Trail HOCP
2nd 2.00pm Service of meditation, All Saints’ Church
3rd 10.00am Decorating All Saints’ Church for Easter
3rd – 10th Easter Colouring Competition HOCP
4th 10.00am Easter Day Holy Communion for all ages, All Saints’
5th 1.00pm Easter egg decorating, HOCP
11th tbc Fire and rescue demonstration HOCP
13th 7.30pm W.I. Village Hall
14th 10.30am Meeting Point at Doris’s, Goodly Heritage, Pavenham
15th 10.30am HOCP Health Walk
16th 8.00pm Sharnbrook Wildlife Trust, Methodist Church
17th 9.45am Amblers meet at The Bell
23rd 10.30am Buggy walk, HOCP
24th 7.30pm Quiz at Village Hall
26th 10.00am HOCP Conservation Tasks day
27th 10.30am Meeting point at Eileen Shakespeare’s, Rushden
28th 8.00pm Annual Parochial Church Meeting and Parishioners’ Meeting, All Saints’ Church
29th 10.30am HOCP Health Walk
Magazine Deadline
Please send all entries for the May 2010 magazine to Tricia Hudson (mag1 at or Catherine Corkery by April 12th at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.