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February 2001  

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Snow fell in Odell at the end of December - 3days too late for Christmas day!


Birthday greetings go to Anthony Merret who will be 9 on the 14th

Birth Announcement

We send belated congratulations to James and Jayne Peverell of "The Folly", Odell, on the birth of Nicholas on 7th November 2000. Nicholas is a baby brother for Freya.

Goodbye to Everyone

As many of you already know, we are moving back to the States soon and I want to say how much we will miss Odell. I have always felt utterly at home here especially after discovering the link with Concord Massachusetts where I was born! We will be watching the Odell web site and as soon as we have a new email address I will let everyone know. As soon as we are settled in Rhode Island we will expect lots of visitors from the old country!

Meanwhile we will be having a Garage Sale:

February 10th 2pm at 4 Mill Lane (around the back).

Everything must go! (or stay depending on how you look at it), especially electrical goods (they don't work in the States) including Power tools, lawnmower, microwave, kettle, hoover, sewing machine, fan, heater, and assorted table/desk lamps, all mostly new.

Also, two double beds, sofa and sofa bed (not at all new) and untold jumble.

I intend to give half the proceeds to the church (guilt, you see, I won't be able to help with the fete!).

Everyone has been so kind and helpful to me over the years; I will never forget you,

wpeA.jpg (12752 bytes) Love,   Caroline and Eric Husher

We would like to add our thanks to Caroline for all the help she has given to the magazine in the past. Caroline and Eric will be very much missed in Odell.  (ed)

Surprise, surprise at the Fish and Chip Lunch.

Expressions of delight and amazement were shown on Wednesday 17th January when local 'Senior Citizens' by special invitation met up at the Village Hall with others who had previously lived here. There were so many pleasant surprises, as old friends met up. After the lunch other members of the community joined in for a cuppa and a chat. The occasion was a 'Fish and Chip' lunch benefited by a Christmas Raffle organised by Roma, with added support by Sarah Lawson-Johnson and Noreen Sturridge.

This wonderful idea was really so much enjoyed and on behalf of all those who attended, I say a very sincere thank you to you all.

Anne Turner

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Odell Parish Council

The Parish Council met on Wednesday 29th November.

1 We noted with dismay that BT wanted £15,000 to put all the wires in Horsefair Lane underground, and decided not to proceed.

2 We noted the response from Bedfordshire CC that a major resurfacing job would be done throughout the village. It is hoped by the Beds CC that this would be done in the year beginning April 2001. We have heard this expression of hope before, and will believe it when it happens! Meantime we are assured that the many potholes in the High Street and in Church Lane will be filled.

3 We have noted that the stone wall pulled down at the farm in the High Street near No. 200 has not been reinstated, nor has any planning application been submitted for its replacement by a wooden fence. This is to be pursued with the planning authorities.

4 Speed checks were carried out by the Police in November 2000, and one prosecution for speeding was made.

5 We noted that the application for a new Pharmacy in Sharnbrook had been refused. The medical Practice there had thanked theParish Council for its support in rejecting this application.

6 We considered the Bus Service to and from Odell, and decided to insist that the Buses stop at the bus stop by the Flats, where passengers are waiting, and not opposite No 90 High Street. We shall also request the Bus service to reinstate the service No 134 on Saturdays into Bedford at 3.25 pm. At present this Bus stops in Odell and then goes "out of Service", but returns to Bedford empty. This madness must be corrected. Jonathan Harrison, Chairman


Our Christmas meeting took the form of a bring and share meal at the home of Doreen Wheeler. As usual Doreen had gone to a great deal of effort to make us feel welcome and our surroundings beautifully festive. Thank you Doreen.

January saw us back in the Village Hall where after our business meeting - which was interrupted by a trip outside to see the lunar eclipse - we were entertained by Colonel Woodrow, who gave us an illustrated talk on 'Christopher Wren-the Man'. Few of us had realised how many talents Wren possessed as well as his architectural abilities.

Next Month’s meeting

This will be on February 13th at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Our member Barbara Corley will be giving us an illustrated talk about the history of Odell and no doubt explaining some of the difficulties in researching and writing her book. This is an open meeting so all welcome, male or female, young or old. If you want any further details phone me or ask any W.I. member.

Hostesses - Stasia Wherrett and Jenny Cuddiford

Competition - Memorabilia of Odell    Rachel Halton  720572

Primrose Appeal Coffee Morning

After our talk by Jayne Beard in November about the new Primrose Appeal for Bedford Hospital Cancer Department, the members of the W.I. felt they wanted to do something positive about helping the fund raising, so we are having a Coffee morning on Saturday 24th March in the Village Hall. We hope that we can count on your support and generosity for this worth while cause. So put the date in your diary and come and join us for coffee (or tea). Rachel Halton and Doreen Wheeler

Village Hall News

There will be an Open meeting to discuss the future of the village hall on March 1st at 7.30. Everyone is invited to come along.

On March 16th a touring theatre group will give a performance of ‘We’ve Never Had It So Good’: a musical journey from VE-Day to the present. 7.30pm for 8.00pm in the Village Hall.

Good news regarding the newspaper recycling bins in the car park – collections have resumed.

Odell in the Snow

The snow didn’t quite fall in time for Christmas, but provided plenty of entertainment for the children on their school holidays.

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Pauline Matthews – Obituary

We have recently received the sad news of the sudden death, in the first week of January, of Pauline Matthews, a former resident of Odell.

Pauline was an active bell ringer for a number of years and organised the kneelers that are now in the church. She, Tony and the family lived at South End Farm having previously lived in Harrold, during which time she led the hand bell ringers and raised a lot of money to enable a new set to be purchased.

They retired to Suffolk and for some time Pauline had been suffering from a form of Leukemia but died suddenly from an embolism.

Alison Fowler

Round and About - Flag of Nations

With New Year 2000 we, together with most of the world, celebrated the arrival of the New Millennium. Statistically speaking the third Millennium was only reached on the 1st. January 2001, but this momentous landmark passed virtually unmarked. Co-incidentally there was another, national, anniversary that has also passed us by, virtually unnoticed: the 200th. anniversary of the birth of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, together with the creation of our national flag, the Union Jack.

The Act of Union with Ireland was signed on the 1st. January 1801 and was accompanied by the introduction of the present-day flag, consisting of the crosses of the Patron Saints of the three nations joined within the Union. Sad to say Wales did not get a mention!

Plans for this combined flag originated as far back as 1606, when King James of Scotland arrived in England and wished to redesign the flag more to his own liking. The then national flag of England was the red Cross of St. George on a white ground and to this was added the diagonal white on blue Cross of St. Andrew. Following the Act of Union with Ireland in 1801 the College of Arms suggested the present-day design with the slender red and white Cross of St. Patrick alongside that of St. Andrew.

Edward 111 had adopted the Cross of St. George on a white field as the national emblem of England. With the absorption of Wales the flag remained unchanged but in 1606 James VI of Scotland became England's James 1 and, as previously mentioned, he naturally wished to retain the Scottish flag and introduced the new banner combining the two national crosses of St. George and St. Andrew. In 1801, to mark the Act of Union with Ireland, it was considered diplomatic to add the Cross of St. Patrick, thus creating the flag we all recognise today.

The new flag was adopted throughout the United Kingdom and proved a great success as it enabled everybody to follow it as the flag incorporated the individual cross of each nation and enabled the flag to be embraced by all.

The White Ensign has been flown by the Royal Navy since its beginnings. This is represented by the national red Cross of St. George on a white field with a small Union Jack contained within one quartile. Our seafaring forebears referred to their flags as a Jack and, therefore, with the introduction of the new flag of the Union it was soon popularly known as the Union Jack. This country has a seafaring history with many of the citizens having maritime links and this, no doubt, accounts for the rapid spread and nationwide adoption of the "popular" name for the new flag. It became so popular, indeed, that the name of our national flag was officially adopted as the Union Jack... which is just another way of saying The Union Flag.

For whatever cause, we now - as a nation - happily refer to our flag, containing the cross of each nation, as the Union Jack.    Barbara Corley

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wpe11.jpg (106834 bytes)The Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook

2001 Season

All My Sons by Arthur Miller.

Monday 12th March – Saturday 17th March, 7.45pm.

Arthur Miller’s poignant and dramatic tale of war time profiteering cuts straight to the heart of the American Dream, questioning who comes first – Family of Country. Discover the truth…

Tickets: Monday 12th £6

All other nights £7.

Coming in 2001….

Fiddler on the Roof – musical – May 4th – 12th.

Smike – Sharnbrook Youth theatre – musical – July (dates to be finalised)

Whodunnit? By Michael Shaffer – comedy – Sept. 25th – 29th.

Sweeny Todd The demon Barber of Fleet Street – musical thriller – Nov. 9th – 17th..

Bookings may be made one month beforehand from:

Bedford - Central Box Office, Harpur Suite - tel: 01234 269519

Wellingborough - The Castle Box Office - tel: 01933 270007

(Both of the above accept credit card bookings).

Sharnbrook -by returning your booking forms in person to The Village Trader, 28 High Street.

Group Sales - Alison Bean - tel: 01234 781372 – 10% reduction for parties of 10 or more.

Enquiries/Mailing list 01234 782377

All performances start at 7.45pm. Seats can be reserved.

February Diary

3rd 7.30pm Posh Supper at Watermead, Harrold.

6th 10.30am Meeting Point at Liz Dodwell’s, Watermead, Harrold.

10th 10.30am Celebration of Christian Healing, St. Albans Abbey.

10th 2pm Garage sale, 4 Mill Lane.

13th 7.30pm W.I. Odell Village Hall.

21st 10.30am Meeting Point, Jill Cheadle’s, Rectory Farm.


6th 10.30am Meeting Point at Mary Rogers’, 2 Hall Close, Sharnbrook.

7th 8pm Lent Study at The Rectory.

14th 8pm Lent Study at The Rectory.

21st 10.30am Meeting point, Catherine Corkery’s, Manor Cottage, Harrold.

21st 8pm Lent Study at The Rectory.

24th Coffee Morning in Village Hall in aid of The Primrose Appeal.

28th 8pm Lent Study at The Rectory.

Magazine Deadline

Please send all entries for the March 2001 magazine to Tricia Hudson (, Anne Turner or Catherine Corkery by February 12th at the latest. May we remind you that the editorial team exercises the right to edit, shorten or alter any items that are submitted. Also, the opinions expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not the responsibility of the editorial team.

Village Directory

The Village Directory is an initiative of the Bridge and the Carlton, Harrold & Odell Parish Councils. Its purpose is to provide information on the facilities, amenities and services available locally.

The directory will have information in the following categories:

Churches Schools/education Recreation/Sport (Adult or Young People) Government Transport Businesses/Services Clubs/Societies Food & Drink Accommodation Amenities Utilities

In order to make sure the information is accurate, please contact us about  the organisation you represent. An electronic version of the form is available on request from:

wpe9.jpg (16298 bytes) Excellent Bed and Breakfast Accomodation at the Oakley Arms in Harrold (2 miles from Odell by car, or 1 mile through the Country Park) , call +44-1234-720478 for more details (mention the Odell Web site!).

Electronic mail address

FAX number

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Last revised: January 28, 2001.